The Chosen one.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by KeeneGreen, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. If God exists, Would you want to be chosen to spread the news?

    Let's say God entails everything that would be necessary to be God.
  2. Let's say that I am chosen to do just that job.

    Would you believe me?
  3. :)............. you can't be God and still be you by the way, you cease being an individual when you become One.
  4. #4 Didymus, Apr 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2010
    I have ceased to be an individual in a way. I hear the thoughts of others around me, as well as those who are close to me. I hear the voice of the God that resides within me. It has lead my body through life for the past year and a half.

    I totally understand that it sounds crazy, but it's the Truth. Let me explain just a little bit.

    Jesus Christ came to spread the exact Truth I am here to give, just as many have tried to do in the past. However, I am different from them. I have discovered through my own life's experience that the 'thoughts' that spring forth in my head, are none other than Christ's. About two months ago I began reading into Gnosticism, something I heard Jesus was rumored to be.

    Gnosticism teaches that there is a way to gain knowledge from the environment around them, and searching for that self knowledge is what keeps us alive through eternity. The knowledge gained from intuition, or a self's own created thought.

    I discovered the Nag Hammadi library through Gnosticism, and started reading the Gospel of Thomas, along with dozens of other texts that date back to Christ's time.

    This was after a year and and three months of constantly searching for answers, and it was answered within the Gospel of Thomas and the Nag Hammadi library.

    My name is Thomas.

    I was once a doubter of both myself, and others.

    Now I have read of what Thomas was truly like. John portrayed Thomas as a doubter in the Gospel of John.

    Thomas was constantly with Jesus, writing down much of what he said in life. To show the difference between how Thomas viewed Jesus, and how the other disciples did can be summed up by a verse from the Gospel of Thomas.

    13. Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I am like."

    Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a just messenger."

    Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."

    Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable to say what you are like."

    Jesus said, "I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring that I have tended."

    And he took him, and withdrew, and spoke three sayings to him. When Thomas came back to his friends they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"

    Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me, you will pick up rocks and stone me, and fire will come from the rocks and devour you."

    Thomas was referred to as "Didymus" or twin in the Gospel of John.

    Was the fact that Thomas desired to touch the wounds of Christ a sign of a doubter, or merely utter shock and emotional trauma? What would you do if you watched your best friend and most important person in your life die in such a horrible way, and then three days later he is up and walking?

    I have written only of God, existence, truth, and so forth for the past year and a half because that is all I can think of, so how can I not come to the conclusion that I am in some shape or form chose to do something?
  5. I wouldn't want to be chosen to 'spread the word'. I wouldn't even want to know it exists in the first place....

  6. If God made you and loved you, you would not even want to know?
  7. this is tough. we can spread the word at this very moment
    but which of us really will?
  8. The ones of us who are able to.
  9. I think God would be a lot more interesting if it kept us guessing; unknowable....
  10. I have been chosen...

    For as long as you keep looking for God as an external entity you will never find him. It's only when you look inside that you will realise that God is within.
  11. I have been personally shown that an illness I've had for the past 2 years has been put on me so I would "step back" from the cares of life so that God may use me to spread the Gospel as well as being purged from sin so that I am able to become as Christ was. (able to love EVERYONE as myself) I've been told that my health will come back to me by the end of the year when I am fully ready to devote my life to him. Sounds a bit crazy, maybe. But I know what i've been shown and although I would never be able to explain it if I tried, i'm going with it. Not that I expect any of you to believe me but I guess I should start to get used to being persecuted because with what we learn in the coming years (whether it be 5 10 or 30+) there will be a great fall from the devotion to Christ that a good portion of the world still has. Never forget that anyone that kills believers in the last days will think he is doing a service to God.

    Personally, based off of speculation, I think the Large Hadron Collider is going to play a big part if this supposed God Particle is found or if we finally gain proof through it that the Big Bang happened.

  12. Why such human traits for a such an un-human being?

  13. I know God resides in me. The holy spirit. :D His love is felt by all on Earth.
  14. if this god came to me and told me to spread his message (while i was not on any type of drugs) i would probably spread the word, but i would do it in a way of presenting all sides of the argument rather than just preaching God.

  15. Even knowing that their was only one way? If God actually told you...
  16. yes, God doesnt FORCE you to believe, why should i?

  17. So by giving you proof of his existence that would not force you to believe?
  18. wtf are you talking about. I didnt say i wouldnt believe. i just wouldnt go around trying to force others to believe. proof gets rid of faith.

  19. I have some reading material I'm going to send you that will help you greatly if you are true to your words. If not, then you are likely just imagining things and will not be able to understand the material. I hope that you are indeed one who is ready in this incarnation.
  20. proof? proof...proof...proof...

    building after the given design, converting a sound to light, harnessing momentum, increasing the speed, harnessing momentum, creating excess,...


    (the fat(excess, creation) belongs to the LORD)

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