its a movie about vampires. . and all the vampires are little people/dwarfs/midgets whatever no fucking joke and yes i own it on dvd
First Clint Eastwood movie I've seen the whole way through. This is like the epitome of cheesy: none of the villains can aim a gun, the protagonist is Mr. Badass, the music is horrid, and there's this car chase scene that is completely over the top with unintentional lulz. Never again, Clint Eastwood. Never again. common whatch the whole thing and listen t othe noises arnold makes and how he kills the guy at the end
How about a combo of "unintentional" comedy... When I saw this I couldn't believe it was real it was so hilarious. And I think it's funnier that it's supposed to be taken seriously. Then the third part of the trilogy... It steps it up on the ridiculous scale but it's not as consistently funny. "Welcome to the Thunderdome Bitch!"
Man I vagely remember this movie from lit 10 or something, i only remember a scene where some guy wants to see his dick to see if black people are truly bigger. Please tell me this scene exsists and im not just crazy/some other shit.
It looks like kind of an old movie...I don't know if they could get away with that Then again, I've never seen it, so hopefully someone can provide an answer Anti-LSD propaganda film..... you have no idea whats in store
This one had me rolling in the aisles the first time I saw it, but I was tripping my balls off, so maybe it was just me.
Right. It's in there (Near the end). Here's a good scene where he's being chased after by whites and called "Fuzz Head" etc.