If someone were to go to their local garden supply store and wanted advice from one of their experts what would be a decent plant to tell them i'm growing that has similar size and nutritional/soil needs?
Tomato is what most people relate it to; but you could also say Hops (as used in beer). But honestly just tell them marijuana or do like most and just get your questions answered here and avoid any unwanted suspicion.
just tell them marijuana... im sorry, thats dumb. we dont all live in cali. some of us still have to deal with real drug laws
First guess you didn't get the sarcasm; but why ever bring any attention to questions that will not be 100% accurate to perfect a grow. Your already at GC just do some searches for any questions... trust me its ALL there.
The plant grows very similarly to basil. Peppers are a little similar too, but since they are fruits it's a little different. Personally, I aim for roses and orchids. They are finicky flowers that utilize a fair amount of the same levels of nutrients. Generally the soil used for flowers is of extremely high quality because of house wives with garden clubs. Honestly though, why go through all the trouble? You have all you need here!
you can try what I did, google hydroponics store "your nearest city", when you walk in, 95% of their customers gotta be pot growers, they know what you need, just say "I'm growing some herbs, what kind of nutes do I need?..." the guys at my store are awesome, they know the deal. don't say anything STUPID, just be cool, and they can be cool.
I agree that you don't want to get advice from your local garden store on how to grow MJ by asking about something else. There's a chance you'll get trapped by a question you don't know the answer to -- "oh tomatoes, are you growing [something you don't understand] or [something else you don't understand]? And who told you that you should [whatever] with tomatoes?" Only liars get caught in lies. Folks at GC will help you...
When I went I just used tomatoes, but that is because I was actually growing tomatoes as well and most that I read said they grow relatively the same.. Heres my tomato and heres my mj... See the resemblance? I say instead of talking to a grow "expert" just browse the forums here.. Especially the stickies. I have learned more here than I ever could by asking the people at the store. These guys specialize in your hobby and share your passion. There is plenty of information here to get your grow off the ground.. Just always remember to go with the majority and not the minority and don't follow someone's advice without waiting for a few responses.. Some people could say something that could harm your baby and someone else may correct them.. Give it time.. Growing is truly a test of patience.. Happy growing man..