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The Benefits Of Oral Cannabis By Marion P Fry M.D.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Steele, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. This is a paper that we had been given , a number of years ago written by Dr. Marion Fry M.D. Many patients have come to me asking what strains I recommend for ultimate relief , and though they are out there , oral consumption of cannabis is far more of greater value . I hope this helps alleviate some of tha pain that you folks suffer from . (This paper has been re-typed and graphs re-done (wish I had a proper graph program) by myself . Nothing has been edited or omitted .)

    In tha first graph , Dr. Fry is illustrating tha duration of effect of effect smoked (represented by a backslash , \)
    as apposed to oral consumption (represented by tha asterisk)

    Graph 2 is in regards to tha 24 hr cycle that patients use to control pain . There is a "loading dose" and a "Maintenance dose" . Tha loading dose is represented at tha beginning of tha bandwidth , signified by tha backslash \ , and is taken 1 hr before bed The maintenance phase begins at waking hrs , signified by tha period (.) Tha maintenance dose is approximately 1/8 of tha loading dose .

    Graph 3 shows tha effects of smoked cannabis in comparison to ingested cannabis . Notice tha duration of relief from orally consuming .....

    I sincerely hope this helps alotta you folks out there , Dr. Fry has helped MANY folks manage their pain . Unfortunately , tha feds had her locked up , earlier this year fer doing what she was sworn to do , help tha patients .....

    The Benefits Of Oral Cannabis
    By Marion P. Fry M.D.

    Classically , when when a drug is ingested , the stomach sends it to the liver for processing . For many years it has been known that the effectivness of all drugs consumed orally must be evaluated in terms of this affect . This is called the first pass effect . Using this information have applied the theories to the use of oral cannabis . In the use of cannabis , the liveer converts 90%of the cannais to one form , eliminating the differences between strains . This form (Hydroxy Eleven) has many advantages including the duration of action being eight hours .

    Through my research in the last seven years , it has become apparent that there are two fundamentally different groups . The first group is in the minority group , representing approximatly 15% , and requires immediate and short-term relief from the drug . These patients are primarily medicating what we would consider more psychiatric issues i.e. depression , panic , anxiety ,
    and anger .

    The second , and much larger percentage of my patients , are primarily interested in long term relief of serious physiological problems . These patients suffer from conditions such as chronic pain , glaucoma , diabetes , and all the autoimmune disorders including lupus , rheimatoid arthritus , multiple scleroses , and chronic fatigue syndrom . I have found in my several years of research that the oral rout of administration utilizing the first pass effect of the liver is of great benefit . A many of us are aware , a tremendous percentage of the cannabinoids are converted by the liver into Hydroxy Eleven , a far more powerful and effective drug .

    At the recent cannabis conference it was mentioned that Hydroxy Eleven was four times more powerful in relieving symptoms and had an effective half-life of approximatly eight hours . Utlizing the model of a loading dose combined with a maintenance dose one can afford this second group of patients a greater degree of relief .

    | This graph (Graph 1) represents the larger group - chronic pain
    | Negative side effects such as heavy sedation and inability to concentrate
    Level |
    of |
    Cannabinoids |
    | \ \ * * * * * * * * * * * * \ \ \ \ \ \ \
    | * \ \ * \
    | * \ \ * \
    * \ \ * \
    ______________*________________________\__________ \____________________*____________________________ ___\
    | | | |
    0 Hr 3 Hr 6 Hr 9 Hr

    Looking at the graph we can see the side effects . What may be percieved as negative side effects during waking hours , are precisely the positive effects that chronic pain patients require during the hours of sleep . Super imposing graph 1 with two ( PM loading dose , we get graph two) shows us how a patient can maintain the positive benefits of pain relief , muscle relaxation , and anti-inflammatory aspects of the drug during the day and then through a loading dose , heighten these effects during hours of sleep (See Graph 2)
    Maitenance Dose
    Graph 2 Evening Dose
    Daytime side effects
    | \ | \ \ | \ \ | \
    | \ \ \ \ \ \
    ----------------------------------------- \---------------\------------------------------\----------------\-------------------------------\------------- \-------------------------
    Level | \ \ \ \ \ \
    Of | \ \ \ \ \ \
    Cannabinoids |_________\ \..................\ \..................\ \...................
    | __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___

    As the graph (Graph 3) demonstrates , patients in chronic pain never reach an unmedicated level of marijuana in the system , yet they are not plagued by over sedation . During the night however , when sleep and pain control are crucial , their levels are substantially above those obtainable by smoked marijuana . In addition the effect of the cannabinoids is extended to a full eight hours , henceforth , eliminating the need for nighttime dose . In my experience this has been disruptive to their sleep and pain control . It has been my clinical experience that many of my patients awake between 2 and 4 in the morning to reuse the smoked marijuana .

    Smoked Dosage Levels Oral Dosage Levels

    \ | \ * * * * * * * * * *
    \ \ * *
    \ * \ *
    \ * \ *
    \ * \ *
    \ * \ *
    ____*\______________________ \________________________________________________* _______________________
    | | | | |
    9 PM 12 PM 3 AM 6 AM 9 AM

    The patients who have adopted my loading and maitenance strategy no longer require dosing in the middle of the night . This greatly increases the therapeutic effect of both anti - inflammatory aspect of marijauna and it's excellent sedative qualitites . In summary , I am suggesting that both higher blood level and longer , more effective doses may be achieved by using aral cannabis in chronically ill patients . Unfortunatly , the research has never been completed and these are only relative representations of previously determined pharmacological models .

    I apologize fer tha graphs , looks like it's formatting differently when pasted over here . I sincerely hope this info passed on will help some folks of serious need.

    Be well, stay healthy an' grow HARD,
  2. Figured I'd bump this, too much good info ....

  3. I like the study, but it is very hard to look at in the format you printed on this page.

    Can you post a link? Was this study published?

    Best use of parentheses within parentheses, but re-typed and re-graphed? Why?

    How are we supposed to feel about the declaration that nothing was edited or omitted, if it was re-done without a proper review by the original writer?:confused:

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