The answer to Permanent Problems

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Something New, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Suicide.

    If it's not the answer to temporary problems is it the answer to permanent life changing problems?
  2. Not an answer but the end.

    Answers have resolutions after them, but what the fuck is after suicide, nothing so, the end.
  3. Yes, but is that answer accurate? 1+1/=0. Problems are just a medium for growth and understanding, even if the knowledge is arbitrary.

  4. problems are only such if you allow them to be....
    obstacles can easily become challenges and lead to growth that otherwise would have never come;):smoke:

  5. Given that life is fleeting whether you kill yourself or not, the only truly permanent problem that I can think of is the problem of meaninglessness. Now, is the problem of meaninglessness best solved by a meaningless death? Or is it rather best solved by directly challenging it and trying with all of your might to bring some kind of meaning into the world?

    (I'm taking for granted here that a death by suicide is meaningless, simply because in the context of the question "meaning" might best be defined as "Not being put here just to die." It is death, after all, that forces the question of purpose.)
  6. rather than suicide i would say death
  7. How do you know?
  8. An interesting way of looking at things. I mean really IF reincarnation is real ( I personally believe in it ) then we can just kill ourselves over and over again if were not satisfied with our lives and hope our next one we'll be billionaires :eek:

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