The American Dream Is Bullshit

Discussion in 'General' started by PeacefulStoner, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. Its like theres always a path you gotta follow ya know, its like school, school, school, college (school), then you graduate, get a job, settle down, have a family, live the american dream, etc... I wanna do somethin different though, like that just sounds so lame and boring, to just like follow that pattern of events, the same pattern that everyone else follows.

    Its like every life is stuck on repeat and we are trapped in the foot steps of our parents and its a cycle. The american dream is the biggest bullshit out there and its sad that normal people just conform. I know for a fact im not like that and that im different from everyone eles in so many ways.. no such thing as pattern. i refuse to conform

    Your thoughts?
  2. The American dream is not bullshit.
  3. Worrd. My thoughts the same.
  4. The American Dreammmmmmmmmm!!!!

    Fuck yeah.
  5. I agree, why live a mundane life? It'd be cool to be an assassin or some shit, thats what Imma do
  6. Move to China then. No American dream there
  7. that white picket fence

  8. The weird thing is, i can't tell if your being sarcastic or not...
  9. not bullshit.

    my father came to this country, with literally the clothes on his back.

    motherfucker makes more money now than most people that went to four year universities.

    not that it really means anything but it puts things in perspective.
  10. Its ironic how people in America want to escape the dream, while people in other countries would do anything for a chance at the "American Dream".

  11. was he of european decent? :rolleyes:

  12. no he illegally crossed the border and got hooked up with the amnesty act in 1986
  13. You know what they say about the american dream, right?

    You've gotta be asleep to believe it.

  14. I'm one of the ones that wants to escape it.
  15. I've considered it, it'd be pretty cool but its not like something you jump into. Gotta train for years, gotta be smart too. Plus its great money, and bitches LOVE assassins
  16. I am my own path in front of me as well as the one I left behind.
  17. I’m not American, but my perception of the phrase ‘The American Dream’ has always been that it implies freedom to pursue whatever makes you happy.

    The fact that having a family and a nice house and financial security makes most people happy is, well, understandable -- not conformity. You are seeing the end result of their journey, not the struggles and obstacles that each individual surmounted to achieve it. No life is a carbon copy.

    If you want to follow your own path, then do so. However, serve yourself better by resisting the urge to feel superior by virtue of yearning to be different.

    Your niche exists out there, just waiting for you to find it. But along the way keep mindful of the adage, ‘There is nothing as so ordinary as the wish to be extraordinary.’

    Conformist. :p

  18. Bitches do love assassins, bitches do love assassins... *looks up and pictures what it would be like to be an assassin*
  19. Yea, I'm probably going to start an assassins guild or something. I have all the skills needed, crossbow skills, hunting skills, chemistry skills, it'll be cake.

  20. nice.

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