The (almost)secret history of America and the reason for all wars.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tergale, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. #1 Tergale, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2013
    For the last 10-20 years people have been debating the existence of a NWO conspiracy or the Illuminati. Now before the word "conspiracy" throws everyone off of this thread I would like to point out the power of the propaganda we have been exposed to.

    Most people have no idea why marijuana is illegal. The reefer madness campaign launched by wealthy investors in synthetics and paper needed to get rid of their only competition, hemp and cannabis oil. Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, designed it to run on vegetable and seed oils like hemp. Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was made of hemp. Regardless of the plant being used as far back as we can see in history the propaganda campaign driven on racism and fear has lead to this day to a war on drugs costing trillions of dollars and millions of lives destroyed. 80+ years has gone by and the large majority have no idea.

    We take a look at politics and it's "left vs right", "Freedom vs fascism", "Liberals vs conservatives." Any mention of "wealth", "wallstreet", "income inequality", or "banking" and there is an instant judgement that you may be leaning socialist. Now socialism vs capitalism is a legitimate debate but the large majority of Americans do not know what socialism is. The large majority of Americans do not know what a republic is after citing the pledge allegiance their entire academic career. Polls run the gambit but depending on what study/poll you look at 50-70% of Americans don't know what the constitution is. Even more don't know the federal reserve is not a government body. Most also are unaware of where the money comes from, what it is worth, or how monetary policies affect anything. The sad truth here is a small percentage have taken the time to learn about socialism and make valid arguments for and against but are drowned out by very loud and uninformed people.

    Now I do not want an argument on socialism vs capitalism. AT ALL. Currently about 70-80% of Americans are against socialism. Considering the average level of political and economic knowledge I am forced to believe this hatred is mostly caused by left over propaganda from the cold war.

    Now this is not something to bring blame or judgement on people. It is my opinion that almost all people want the exact same thing. To live their life, work, and support their family. So long as you are able to make a somewhat comfortable and modest living, the rest will fall in place for the large majority. Now in America, we are told that this is what will happen. We are taught a strict history that leaves out a lot of the bad. Just as Germans must endure the stigma of the holocaust we should be honest to ourselves about our history.

    Luckily today we live in an age where information travels at speeds almost unimaginable before. Someone with an internet connection and some spare time over the years can learn a great deal about history and is the driving force for "internet security" that countries are positioning over. Now I could go through everything in this video but this would be a 20 page post and I fear I have already lost far to many hoping for a TL : DR.

    This video is a very accurate and informative piece on the history of private centralized banks in relation to war and American history. While this does not have every bit of information one needs to know to understand what is going on worldwide today it is a very good start and a very good source for some new information for those already interesting in this subject.

    Now I know some people do not want this stuff in the politics section and feel it should fall under pandoras box and I get it. Conspiracy theorizing is currently profitable and there is a lot of crap out their. There is also massive disinformation out there. Just this week a group was caught funneling 120 million dollars to over 100 locations to employ people to post and spread information denying climate change....and this is just one we know. Regardless I feel this needs to be here as politics impacts everyone's lives more than anything. If we are going to consider looking at politics and geopolitical events we must look at the entire picture or else we are being manipulated greatly.

    This video is long and I do hope you watch all of it and then DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Go do some research and try to become better informed.(we never know everything) I was told once that the more complex a problem is the more important it is for the solution to be based on understand. I know I do not know everything am no expert but have spent a great deal of time coming to a better understanding of how we got here over the last hundreds of years.

    Just remember I'm not trying to change your mind, just trying to open it a little.

    (also forgive me for typos and grammar. Very tired/sick and felt like sharing this video real quick after seeing it and now realize I typed a small wall of text =x)
  2. That is clip of an audio broadcast from It is a conspiracy website. I think they do a pretty good job of trying to spread info vs fear monger like Alex Jones does. I think this guy is 1000 times more credible then Alex Jones.

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