THC Testing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by posthuman11, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Hi,

    Does anyone know a method of testing for the amount, or percentage, of THC? Does anyone have any experience with this MyDx | A Device for better life ? Thanks so much.
  2. Yup you send it to a lab with professionals, that's how. Or you can alternatively buy the very expensive lab equipment necessary. I would suggest not sending it to a lab if your in a non medical state, might get you in trouble.
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  3. That unit looks pretty cool, shiny too, I have a feeling that kind of home test equipment will become cheaper and more available in the coming years
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  4. The MyDx will tell you a tomato has 20% THC in it and is so inaccurate its useless. The only reliable cheap method for of testing would be thin layer chromatography like these kits here.

    THC, CBN, CBD Testing for Cannabis, Medical Marijuana Testing

    Professionals use a combination of mass spectrometers, dissecting microscopes and high-pressure liquid chromatography to accurately map the cannabinoid and terpene profiles, as well as check for microscopic particulate, fungi and pesticides. Probably worth the extra $$
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  5. Where are you located? Theres a few places in WA, OR, CA and CO that do testing.

    I just picked up some info from a lab Vancouver, WA that will test buds, extracts, food, and oils for <$100 per sample

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  6. #6 posthuman11, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    Thanks a lot everyone. I may go with TLC until I can get an HPLC. As long is TLC is precise, I may not need to worry as much about accuracy.
  7. #7 posthuman11, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Well, I don't live in any of those places lol. Do people ship there from other places?
  8. No i would highly suggest not doing that

    3 strain 1000w 4x4 legal grow

    My first legal Oregonian grow 1000w 4x4 scrog
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  9. Purchase yourself some high quality lab equpment- either a HPLC (the better of the two) or GC- or send your plant materials into your closest lab that offers testing. I'm slowly sourcing an HPLC unit because all of my plants will be tested once a week in a few months if things go right

    You're looking at about 10k and up for a quality set of equipment, and that's likely just for basic unit probably not calibrated for cannabinoids or terpenes

    Sent from my Spaceship using the Grasscity App.
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  10. Does it come with a microbiology degree too?

    3 strain 1000w 4x4 legal grow

    My first legal Oregonian grow 1000w 4x4 scrog
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