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THC spray

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sk8rsian, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. anyone tried it/know what its about? I'm not entirely sure what it does, I've just heard about it recently.
  2. kinda like those sour airhead sprays? that would be cool

  3. Some guy on here, I think a mod, has a tutorial for THC mist spray. Spray it under the tongue I think, very concentrated.
  4. must be tincture,youtube gots vids on that..
  5. haha saw this on how to make it in america
  6. Wouldn't this just be a tincture put in a spray bottle? you put a small amount under your tongue and leave it there a few seconds then swallow.
  7. Glycerin, or alcohol hash/canna tincture, is probably what you heard of :)

    It's easy to make yourself, just check out the stickied threads in the edible section for a Glycerin Tincture photo tutorial (it's easier to find checking the threads Table of Contents).

    Excerpts from the tutorial, below...




    Glycerin hash tincture also work perfectly in 'electronic cigarette' vaporizers....




    Hope this helps [​IMG]

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