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thc levels and drug test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hiphopanonymous?, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. first off this is not one of those "omg i have a test coming" threads. i was taking a t-break with a few friends, 2 weeks, and started thinking about detoxing(like exercise, fluids, that suff). later i was reading about super lemon haze and its thc %. Fire has almost 3 times the thc percentage of reggies correct? so does this mean one could smoke 1 gram of 30% thc fire or 3 grams of 10% thc reggies and have the same amount of thc in their system?
    so two guys, if they both did one of those they would essentially be the same on a drug test?
    im high so i hope that makes sense, cause it does to me lol

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