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Thc iv

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Miss Peach 22, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. :wave:Hi, Ive just joined as new here, as I have an idea, and I would like to hear your feedback, negative or positive please, everyone is welcome!

    Looking at another thread I cam across someone else who had the same idea as me,
    The idea I was romanticizing about was an THC IV. (in case you dont know this means injecting THC into a main).
    I have thought about this and to execute this you would need pure THC liquid, there is a process I know of where you can make this from weed, and I dont think its too difficult.
    What do u think folks?

  2. How high are you?
  3. Dont man your not a chemist you could fuck up the process and really mess your organs more importantly your heart. But hey if you want to be a drug pioneer go for it.
  4. would this even do anything? i always thought the thc was inactive until heated/burned.
  5. It can be heated probably the same way you would heat up heroin on a spoon

  6. You thought very wrong. Do the world a favor, and next time you see whoever implanted that idea in your head, Punch them. as hard as you can. Multipule times.

    Would work, would also be pointless. you don't get a weed "rush", it will hit you faster, but because of how thc works, it would be the same feeling as when you peak, minutes to hours after smoking good weed.

    You just need to smoke better weed.
  7. that takes all the fun out of smoking weed bro. Weed is as much a way to socialize and have fun with your friends as it is to get high.

    The whole idea of injecting myself to get high sounds a little creepy too. I like to smoke it... if I couldn't smoke it in some way, then I probably wouldn't be doing it right now. I know tons of people that feel the same way about it too.
  8. Go for it mrs peach!
  9. fucking inject thc ? wtf man. burning the shit is more fun and alot less shadey. one of the key parts of mj being awesome is the taste/smell/friends. you start injecting thc your gonna lose friends
  10. I wish i was high enough to have this idea
  11. "You just need to smoke better weed"
    This hit me worse than anything- Look Matey I live in Amsterdam, in Holland, the Nederlands, now here weed is tolerated to the point of having "coffeeshops" on every street corner and more in the centre. We grow our own weed here specifically for selling in these coffeeshops, they are known world-wide, and so is our weed.
    In this city i can choose from over 500 different strains, and I do experience many different types all the time.

    I was very interested to see everyone's reactie on this and thanks a lot for all your feedback!

    I did say "romanticizing" over this idea, I never said i would actually do it, but hey,if the oppertunity comes along, who knows! :eek:
  12. Your an idiot.

    THC has to be heated to be activated.
  13. Please note the following; I am at work, I have been working all night. I am totally sober, and havn't smoked weed since about 9am yesterday morn.
    You dont need to be high to get ideas, all ideas come from you!
    (ive had this idea for as long as I can remember, and I have a better memory than most smokers lol) :p
  14. if the opportunity comes along you'll find that it was a complete waste of time won't get any higher than if you smoked some high grade weed and it'll probably be a bit unpleasant coz it's just thc, there's none of the rest of the cannabinoids there to add to the high.

    It's good to hear from you though man! ..I keep thinking there're not enough people here from the Netherlands!

    btw Amsterdam's my favorite city in the world (after GC of course) and I freakin' wish I was there right now!!
  15. amsterdamage; I love your name! Supercool.:cool:

    If you were here, I'd be happy to show you around :D
  16. #17 Lebowski, Aug 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2008

    The "having to be heated" part is specifically called decarboxylation.

    The reason it still works if you eat enough is that decaboxylation happens to THC very slowly at room temperature, so mj that is not fresh from the plant will have a very small amount of thc that converted to the active type, fresh bud will have teeny tiny amounts, old bud will have more following this logic.
    But if you're cooking with it, you'll want to convert all the thc in there to the active type, so heating is the way to go.

    For the topic:
    The effort needed to obtain clean and pure thc, and inject it in a safe manner would outweigh the possible gains from whatever high you got from it.
  17. your all wrong, it has to be absorbed into fat cells in your body somehow i.e. eating it in oils/butter, those are filled with fat cells, smoking it gets into your bloodstream by smoking, and marinol is just a wonder drug
  18. [quote name='Miss Peach 22']"You just need to smoke better weed"
    This hit me worse than anything- Look Matey I live in Amsterdam, in Holland, the Nederlands, now here weed is tolerated to the point of having "coffeeshops" on every street corner and more in the centre. We grow our own weed here specifically for selling in these coffeeshops, they are known world-wide, and so is our weed.
    In this city i can choose from over 500 different strains, and I do experience many different types all the time.[/quote]

    Amsterdam's Coffee Shop buds on an AVERAGE basis,
    have been proven to be less potent than the AVERAGE Californian's Medical Marijuana.

    Everyone who goes there says the same thing, (including myself)

    The hash is Phoenominal, if you get some legit bubble and not some crap-hash with a fancy name slapped on it.

    But the BUD is mediocre.
    The weed in Amsterdam is rushed.

    Rushed to grow,
    Rushed to flower,
    Rushed to dry,
    Rushed to cure...
    Sometimes not even cured at all...

    Its a product strictly for sale. Corners are cut, to make the profit faster.

    Marijuana in the USA specifically, (and Canada) is bred STRICTLY for potency...
    Not for a quick buck.

    So yes, Amsterdamn is well known for its marijuana laws... Well known for the availability of hash and marijuana.
    But not many people who have actually WENT THERE, commend the potency...

    It does happen at some shops, Yes, some take pride in what they grow... But most dont.

  19. You're not wrong, but you're beside the point.

    THC is fat soluble, but it wont do jack if it hasnt yet been decarboxylized.
    Heat decarboxylizes THC.

    If all that needed to be done was for the THC to be absorbed by a fatty medium, then you could just toss some weed in butter or oil, and eat it a few minutes later without cooking. If you try this, it will not work.
    The THC is definately in the fat, and going into your system, but it wont affect your brain untill it becomes decarboxylized.

    So no, they're not all wrong. Thanks

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