THC connects to Fat

Discussion in 'General' started by GetchaPull617, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Off topic, has anyone tried coca cola with real sugar? It's soo much better.
  2. I would imagine that any food you ate before/during smoking wouldn't matter. When you smoke the thc gets into your bloodstream pretty quickly.

    The food you ate would have no bearing on your high...because I'd assume your body has to absorb/digest that fat before the thc can bind to it? Correct me if i'm wrong
  3. but wouldn't it bind to the fat before you swallowed it?
  4. #24 monsterblood, Aug 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Even if it did, you would still feel the effects of the thc once your body digests the food
  5. No because the thc is already extracted when you light the joint,blunt etc. etc.
  6. ask a scientist or something
  7. but would your stomach feel it, that is das question
  8. it would be a very very mild high because there wouldnt be that much thc stuck to the fat in the food.

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