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that weird thimg about your dealer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by yaboi420, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. not really weird, but my dealer deals to his dad whenever he comes down from colorado haha.
    we were having a smoke sesh at his house and his dad comes barging in and says, "ARE YOU SMOKING IN MY HOUSE?!?!?!"
    needless to say, scared the shit out of me :cool: he then said lemme hit that joint!
    i was so baked and confused lol
  2. My dealer is incredibly unreliable. Guess i should find a new one.
  3. It bothers me that this thread says 'thimg'
  4. it bothers me that u give a shit for one mistyped letter
  5. #105 Verdurous, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    He never said he gives a shit, it just bugs him. How are you any different being bothered by him anyway? lol

  6. it bothers me it took me so long to understand what you even just posted.


    on topic, theres some great stories in here lol, keep them comin guys.
    dont have any because my dealer is basically just like me, we have all the same interests basically, and ive only bought off of him other than like 20 or so other times
  7. my dealer is a black guy who kinda acts a little white. He takes his sweet ass time getting to me, does some sketchy deals ( multiple cars lined up at one location) but hooks it up pretty good
  8. my dealer wraps weed in toilet weed ive ever smoke though :)
  9. Rather my dealer be the State of California.
  10. My dealer has feds watching him :)
  11. Sounds pretty "shitty"...


    Pretty funny huh?

    Ya pick up on that one?

    I said its shitty cuz its wrapped in toilet paper.

    DOYOUGETIT? :confused:
  12. my dealer's a jew with a sick chin strap that he shaves with the one edge razor, the best part is that he's not stingy and 50% of the time he eyeballs what he's selling me.
  13. Damn, my dealers my close friend. A year older, but hella cool and chill as fuck. Kid hooks me up with everything, he told me his best friend wanted to fuck me last time i texted him and guess what I got with my next sack? A condom. No not in the bag dipshits but yeah, he's hella funny and always smilin' and shit.
  14. My weed dealer is a little white kid who thinks he can rap
  15. My dealer is a 50 year old lady who pushes pounds+ a day. lol
  16. #116 S0UR, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    A jew with a sick chin strap? Lmao!
  17. I had one dealer that I couldn't figure out if it was a guy or girl. Almost 4 months I didn't know.
  18. #118 Oblivion420, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Were they a guy or girl?!

  19. One mistyped letter can completely sway the flow of conversation. For example

    Text from Girlfriend: Come over and duck, nobody's home

    How do you respond?

  20. "Only if we can goose afterwards"

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