That Funky Fungi

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by juevos, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. I've acquired 4gs of some very nice home-grown amazonian cubes. I'm planing on splitting it 2g / 2g with a buddy who has never tripped before.

    Now I've tripped twice before. Both times I enjoyed it, but it was like a roller coaster of emotions. Due to-

    1) First time ever, with a buddy who never did them before either. had 2g dried. It was very dark and very foggy (we were alone in the woods), friend got a little creeped, and his vibes rubbed off on me a little. nothing big

    2) Girlfriend had concerns about my drug use (legitimate, I was drinking and smoking alot, not being responsible) and didn't tell me until right before I tripped. Still was fun, but it was a lot of self-reflective thinking

    Now both times I've tripped I've also smoked weed (normally a couple fat bowls while we're waiting, a bowl or two during the peak, and a couple on the comedown). Everyone I tripped with had similar 'emotional rollercoaster' effects. However, I have two other friends that tripped for the first time recently, they didn't smoke any weed, and said their whole trip was just bliss

    Now my questions-

    1) Does anybody know the effects of mixing weed and mushrooms? I can't seem to find anything on erowid, but I could have overlooked something.

    2) Suggestions for a good time for my buddy? In your opinion, should we smoke? Any activities or settings that would make for a good time? I have a few ideas (music, do it on a sunny day, be free of responsibility) but I'm still very much so a 'new' tripper.

    Thanks for the help guys!
  2. 1) The only outcome of the effects of mixing weed and mushrooms is a good time.

    2) Relax, explore the outdoors, music, weed, etc.
  3. Weed and mushrooms go hand in hand.
    Marihawana get overall makes it better/boosts.
  4. just smoke the weed slower, and let the effect creep so u dont smoke too much...

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