
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by canadian potboy, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank the US government for killing the canadian pot law we allmost had nice it would of been till some president(we wont name the tree so to speak) got a hold of our prime-minister threatening economic collapse as america would stop all trade had we passed that law...fortunately the pot party of canda found a way to keep it in the senate...we need it passed...get rid of bush and lets see if obama will let us do OUR own thing...smoke in prison for any chemical drug(cocaine extacy etc etc etc) the lady from wendy's says...where's the weed??...:cool:
  2. bush will be gone soon and i am sry that my shitty ( used to awesome) country has managed to ruin your life as well. you have my permission to hit him.

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