Text your parents pretending to be a drug dealer

Discussion in 'General' started by airsick, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. love it, but my mom dont play that shit lol hahaha
  2. Those started out kind of slow, but there's some gold towards the bottom.
  3. fuuuuk that
  4. Nathan for you is a borefest so I bet this would be too.
  5. My goodness, a couple of those are brutal.

    If I texted my mom or dad that, this is how it would go

    Me: got 2 grams for 40

    Them: I brought you into this world and you don't offer me a special deal?
  6. #7 ICGreen, Apr 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2013

    LOL. Nice. :smoke:

    Edited to add: That one parent was cool that replied, "You're paying too much".
  7. "Dad leave me alone I didn't mean to text you"

    "I didn't mean to have you."

  8. Ya man. That was the nastiest no doubt
  9. I died.

    This was way to funny, wish I had a screenshot feature on my phone to participate.
  10. 2 grams of sugar for $40,lol
  11. That was the best and the grammar books one lol
  12. Best was "I said ignore it"

    "I love u!!!"
  13. Lmao shit is super funny

    "BJ is extra $30"
    "My mouth is full"

    good shit
  14. This is actually fucking hilarious
  15. theyre all iphones.....
  16. this one is funny though

  17. Nathan Fielder is hilarious, it's my new favorite show hands down.

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