Text battle? anyone?

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by GlowingOrange, May 15, 2011.

  1. Lets make this a open text battle.... anyone who feels stoney enough to throw down some freestyle text rhymes feel free to do so....

    Winners and losers and for those with ego problems....

    Lets just flow and embrace the beautiful nature of lyricism. :smoke:

    yo i elevate and meditate past
    my very last laugh
    while you study my wave length
    measured through a seismograph
    its a gift to flow
    and its no mistake i got it
    i burn you with radiation
    my gamma rays break logic
    hear my rap in the static
    rhymes stay automatic
    i see through your de ja vu
    like dreams of the future
    vibes of my past lives
    been born and murdered too many times
    too many rhymes
    how do u harvest tears
    from that which wont cry?
    how do you steal a soul
    from that which wont die?
    through manifestations
    revelations and damnation
    you cant stop me
    cuz you cant stop creation.
    i let go to flow from dimensions un-told
    in this incredible cold earth
    as our souls are sold, seen with no worth.
    but not me i cherish u
    i cherish me..i cherish every drop in the sea
    and through music clarity will be seen clearly

  2. theres already a battle thread like this

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