#Texas #Cannabis

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by OrangeJuece, Apr 2, 2016.


Are you down for a cause ?

  1. Fuck yeah fuck yeah

  2. I'm a sheep.

  1. Wutz guuud Cudi !? Your #Local #Backpacking #Hippy from the #Lone #Star. #Cannabis #medicine is going through the same bullshit from years ago from when I last left....dry. We fear the law. We fear. Period. #Texas, we are so big and bad yet we submit to government. New Orleans decriminalized recently and that is close for #travel. My primary concerns are the grow. How you are doing it before I become a patient. #Organic ? I ran grows, a dispensary in Desert Palm Springs. #Texas has still got lots to learn which with learning and growing that is a must. #Texas is just stubborn. #Humboldt will always be sanctuary for my #soul. Being #humble in #Humboldt is something in my opinion the world should experience in the #cannabis culture. #Medicine to #patient. Nothing in between. #Cartels get out. Proper #medicine is what the #patient needs not your bullshit improper #medicine that nobody cares to tend to in the gardens. #Organize your #community with your #locals and like minded transparency. #StartARevolution :love-mj::gc_rocks::RoorRip::passtheshit::weed::Love-Plant::thankyou::weed-4::smoking-banana::toke::vaping::smoking-bong::passing-joint::passing-joint::bongin::bong::love-m3j::smiley-rolling-joint::love-mj2:
  2. I am down for the anti-hashtag cause.
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  3. Thanks for the #feedback ! :hello:
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  4. i agree with you orange
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  5. #5 OrangeJuece, Apr 3, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
    Thanks for the #feedback ! Let's #organize and spread the word to stregthen our #communities for #cannabis #medicine. :thankyou::yay::gc_rocks::weed:
  6. What's wrong with you?
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  7. lmfao!!! Just funny stuff!! Been out of the loop for 3 years. I come back and find that it is still too funny, sometimes. I moved from CO, where it's legal to grow your own to TX, were you can't grow any, at all!!! Just now starting up a grow closet. Ordered some auto afghan skunk from Attitude today. Can't wait to get back into the grow. Texas legislature is trying to legalize for medicinal purposes, but, the governor is refusing to sign it into law. We need a new governor. :p
  8. lmfao!!! Just funny stuff!! Been out of the loop for 3 years. I come back and find that it is still too funny, sometimes. I moved from CO, where it's legal to grow your own to TX, were you can't grow any, at all!!! Just now starting up a grow closet. Ordered some auto afghan skunk from Attitude today. Can't wait to get back into the grow. Texas legislature is trying to legalize for medicinal purposes, but, the governor is refusing to sign it into law. We need a new governor. :p
  9. #dude #I #just #caught #a #buzz #from #reading #your #post. And all those emojis.

    Get the fuck out of Texass. Come to the west coast where all 3 states have recreational MJ.
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  10. grasscoty, some of us are stuck here (in Texas) for medical reasons and can't relocate to Cali. :p Shit happens and what ya gonna do? Closet grows, that's what!!! :D

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