Testing the boundary of our universe

Discussion in 'General' started by GGrass, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. #1 GGrass, Jul 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2012
    You can test the boundary of your universe by touching the limit.

    Coz it is at the limit, where the boundary exists.

    Often I experience touching of the limits.

    There are many limitations in my life, and every now and then, I touch it, and I know that it is there.

    The limitation of my credit card.

    The limitation of my drinking.

    The limitation of my writing.


    When this happens, when I'm right at the limit, I enter some sort of a phase... where I'm very thoughtful and very focused.

    As I stand at the limit, I focus my attention inwards, and I see many sides of me I've never seen before.

    Then I focus my attention outwards, and I see people... and places... in a way very different from the usual angle.

    Seeing both the inside and the outside... at once, makes the contrast even greater. Such a difference... When you're thinking inwards, something might seem like such and such, but just turn around and look the other way... and that very same thing looks competely different.

    Funny how minds work.


    It's completely irrelevant to the above, but I just wanted to say this.

    We should be thankful that there are people out there who's job is to uphold the law, ethics, values, and common sense.

    It is because of people like those, that we can feel safe in our world.
  2. I like that...I do not agree with your conclusion, but I like the rest of it.
  3. The conclusion... is completely irrelevant to the writing.
  4. The ones to uphold the laws, ethics and values seem to be the ones overthrowing it nowadays.
  5. Indeed, which is why I enjoyed the writing.

  6. Well, I'm just glad you enjoyed reading it.



    Coz sometimes I'm not sure what I'm about to say is allowed or not, so I have to sort of... throw a smoke grenade first, you know what I mean?
  7. i've done this with the credit card myself. i went into ultra conservative mode. started living life more frugally for a good year until i got it paid off. then once the balance hit zero the retard came back.
  8. There's a boundary that exists between 'Internet World' and 'Real World'.

    I felt that boundary recently.

    And it felt... good.

    It felt good to have someone stop me from walking straight off the edge of the cliff and fall straight down the bottomless cliff.

    Probably into hell.

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