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Test pure platinum 45 min chewable tablet

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lasvegas88, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Hey guys when i was recently trying to get clean for a job every thread i saw had someone disputing there claim and saying they were fake so I figured i would share what worked for me. I smoked atleast a gram of high grade a day for about 9 months. Then need to get clean for a job i was clean 10 days drank a lot of water and took test pure platinum 45 minute chewable tablet. The drug test i took I had to piss in 2 seperat cups it was a 9 panel drug test then even tested for deterants I came back clean. This is a gov job btw
  2. im on probATION. i smoked like 4 bowls the day b4 my test .. all i did was drink 8 cups of water starting at 2 hours prior to the test .. passed
  3. Theres probally alittle bit of difference in lab testing and the strips but good shit man glad it worked
  4. Well you drank alot of water, so who says that it wasnt just the water that made you clean? Maybe better testing next time.
  5. it might of been just the water but id rather be safe than srry
  6. [quote name='"Tosh."']Well you drank alot of water, so who says that it wasnt just the water that made you clean? Maybe better testing next time.[/quote]

    Just drinking water won't to jack shit lol
  7. Apart from massively dilute your piss and make it harder to detect THC metabolites...
  8. [quote name='"Numbnuts"']
    Apart from massively dilute your piss and make it harder to detect THC metabolites...[/quote]

    If you dilute your piss to much they will make you take the test another time

  9. They know how to look for shit like that dude. You would need to take B12 and creatine supplements for flushing to work in that sense.
  10. Point is it still does something as opposed to "jack shit".

  11. What's the point of doing something if the lab can catch it (and they will, that's one of the first things they look for)? You're better off using somebody else's clean piss if you can.
  12. Listen guys i not saying it will work for 100% of ppl 100% of the time but it worked for me. The lab was quest diagnostics btw. so if you need to pass a test its worth trying

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