test - no post

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by sensimil, Jun 20, 2002.

  1. <body background="http://shoutweb.com/images/bkgrd.jpg">

    style="position:absolute;visibility:visible;top:0px;left:150px;font-family:verdana;font-size:30pt;color:FF0000;filter:glow(color:8F0000,strength:4) blur() ">
    testing waht does and does not work on the board

    <body bgcolor="000000">

    <marquee direction="right">Cradle</marquee>
    <marquee direction="left">of</marquee>
    <marquee direction="right"> Ganja</marquee>

    >script language="JavaScript">
    var scrollCounter = 0;
    var scrollText = "testing";
    var scrollDelay = 8;
    var i = 0;
    while (i ++ < 140)
    scrollText = " " + scrollText;
    function Scroller()
    window.status = scrollText.substring(scrollCounter++,
    if (scrollCounter == scrollText.length)
    scrollCounter = 0;
    setTimeout("Scroller()", scrollDelay);


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