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Test in 6 Days, But theres more to the story

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by steamcleaner, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, im getting a tested this saturday (just a simple urine test from like CVS) and was wondering if you thought i was going to pass. I frequently work out and havnt puffed in a week. I have also recently started using our families steam room, twice now, to sweat a little more. So my question to you is do you think ill pass when the date comes? If not, are there other ways to help pass the test on this date NATURALLY (they will be watching).

    Thanks, all feedback is appreciated.
  2. last few times you smoked how much was it and about how long ago where they
  3. about two weeks ago to a week ago i probably blazed once or twice daily with a couple days of nothing mixed in. before two weeks i was taking a break for a little bit, but before the break probably 1-2 times a day.
  4. can you not ask a friend or someone who doesn't smoke to piss in a little bottle?
  5. he said they'll be watching. But I think you're good honestly, the whole 1 month thing isn't completely accurate, depending on how much you smoked it may only stay in for 3 days-1 week.
  6. wtf... they will enter the restroom and visually watch you pee out your peener? wtf never heard of that and in two jobs they didn't do that to me.
  7. its my parents
  8. Damn, you never get piss tested in Canada!
  9. You're parents are going to watch you piss? lol if you're over 18 why are you letting your parents test you. You can do wtf you want, you're a responsible adult.
  10. you are going to fail. really though...prepare for it.
  11. If its just store bought test strips your best bet is to dilute lol, they don't detect for dilution 99% of the time
  12. yeah i diluted last time and i passed. the reason they are tripping is because im playing lacrosse in college and they think i will get tested for that. its a club team so they dont, but they are under that impression and im not going to tell them otherwise. anyone got any sneaky ways to dilute?
  13. [quote name='"steamcleaner"']yeah i diluted last time and i passed. the reason they are tripping is because im playing lacrosse in college and they think i will get tested for that. its a club team so they dont, but they are under that impression and im not going to tell them otherwise. anyone got any sneaky ways to dilute?[/quote]

    Drink a fuck ton of water the day of the test
  14. You can always go to GNC or any health/natural food store and ask for something for a "Cleansing Cycle". Don't say you want to detox, they wont sell it to you. Just drink a lot of water and eat fruits and veggies.
  15. alright, thanks for the imput guys it really does help. So my best bet is day of the test just load up on water?
  16. [quote name='"steamcleaner"']alright, thanks for the imput guys it really does help. So my best bet is day of the test just load up on water?[/quote]

    Yea man, I've been passing probation ua's with diluting, albeit I never smoke more than a snap a day, and its never every day

    But I take creatine and drink enough water to drown an elephant (the day of, I have to take creatine regularly to keep it in my system) and I've had no issues haha
  17. tons of water, but be careful of over hydration, some people die from too much water.

    but honestly why don't you just tell your parents you're going to fail and there is no point in wasting their money on a DT?
  18. because the while point is that i "have" to quit for college.
  19. [quote name='"FluffyBud"']tons of water, but be careful of over hydration, some people die from too much water.

    but honestly why don't you just tell your parents you're going to fail and there is no point in wasting their money on a DT?[/quote]

    Yea over hydration is a big no no

    To make sure I don't over hydrate I drink a good bit, then wait until I piss, then drink what I assume was the amount I pissed, and repeat until the test, that way I know (well, assume) that I'm just keeping it at a constant diluted level and not flooding my body
  20. Start drinking water now. No harm in preparing early.

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