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Terrible Weekend...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jswanny47, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 jswanny47, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    I haven't been on here for a while, but I decided it was time to share what happened, and hopefully get some advice on how to ease the tension between my Ma and I.

    So, over Christmas break my mom caught me smoking in my basement window cell. She came down stairs at 1 in the morning because she heard me cough and wanted to see if I needed some cold medicine. She instantly freaked out and started crying. She goes on a rant about how she knew I had been smoking, but she trusted me and thought she knew me better than that. Well, I was high as fuck and every single marijuana fact I knew came flying out at her in the course of about 5 minutes. She told me to go upstairs and to sleep it off, and we would talk about it in the morning.

    The next morning was terrible. She kept going on and on about how I have a problem because I like the feeling of being high. I try to explain to her that I pursued Marijuana on my own and researched the pros and cons from both biased and unbiased sources. She kept saying that I was scaring her, and that it was terrible that I didn't see smoking marijuana as wrong. I told her to watch the union with me and she freaked out and said "Just because there is one documentary that pushed you into this stoner cult, doesn't mean that it's true. For every documentary saying it's not bad, there are four more with the truth."

    Things are still edgy between us. My car is in her name and she said if I fail one random UA before I go away to college next summer she's selling my car (Which is under her name) and refusing to help pay for college.

    It's weird though, because it's ok for her to sit down and drink a bottle of wine before bed, but I'm a terrible drug addict because I got caught the first time I ever smoked by myself. I'm fine with waiting until I leave next fall to smoke again. I know I'm not addicted. I just need to find a way to show her that it really isn't bad, and to accept me later in life when I still use it occassionally.

    Anyone have a similair situation? I just need to find some way to show her what the culture is about, and how it can be as harmless as going out to share a cup of coffee with your friends.
  2. take up crack, steal all her shit and sell it to support your new habbit, get arrested multiple times for an exciting variety of things.. she will be praying for the good ole weed days...

    just kidding man, don't do any of those things, sounds like a bummer but you have gotta do what you've gotta do, if she's paying for school/car and she won't pay if you continue to smoke you have to take a look at your options and get your priorities straight... If you choose weed over school you are just proving her right.
  3. #3 slarzon, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    damn bro that sucks she must hate pot for some reasons or brainwashed show her the movie union or other pot docs on hulu show her its nothing bad and if you cant do that do what she wants so you can go to school bro. my parents are cool about it we just dont talk about it my mom smokes herself rather than take pain meds oh show her how bad booze is show her the stats of cig smoking
  4. Dude... That story i completely like mine!! I mean down to the detail!
    What i did, i sat down with mom and dad - told them that i knew everything about it and said that they were welcome to ask me questions about my use. That put them at ease, and they actually accepted that i smoked weed and cigarettes every day - which i was fine with -but i later realized that i had been smokin weed and cigs because i didnt know 'who is was' and wanted to send some kind of signal to the world around me.

    So i got my head straight, started exercising, eating healthy, giving my girlfriend the attention she needed - the same with school - i quit the cigarettes and now i only smoke weed when i would normally get drunk.. So maybe try to convince her that smoking weed is better for you than getting fuckd up drunk! Good luck bro!

  5. On the flip, its her house, her car, her rules. Buy your own car and move out.
  6. Well you could always start taking opiates, cocaine, pcp, amphetamines, this way you'll test positive for everything and you could blame it on a faulty test.

    (not srs)

    (somewhat srs)
  7. #7 Amped, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    I hate stupid ignorant bitches who don't accept any facts and just plain out think your wrong and your a pothead.

    No offense to your mom though, shes just being a good mom, its the governments fault for being such fucking money hungry brainwashing assholes.


    edit: haha posted on 4:20 PM in Netherlands time :) Proves its always 4:20 somewhere :smoke:

  8. Now that's an inspiring story. These are the type of success stories the media should be reporting instead of close-minded propaganda.
  9. She should lighten up on her drinking....
  10. 100,000 people a year die from alcohol abuse in the U.S. each year, none from weed. Even thought its her house and her rules theres nothing from stopping you from persuading her. are you getting good grades in school? if you are you can always use that as leverage against her, try to point out that weed hasn't done anything that propaganda claims that stoners do.
  11. Honestly, it is not her fault. Neither is it yours. The shroud of horror still hasn't been lifted from marijuana use, so of course she is going to be upset with her son using. The number one rule however, is DONT PUSH THE MATTER. This will only make you seem like more of a fiendish drug addict. You seem like a respectful person, and the best thing you can do in this situation is stop. Since your already planning to do this you are on to the right start.

    Wait for it to come up. Things will be a little tense for you over the coming weeks. This isn't something that is going to be solved overnight. Make it a point for her to see that you aren't disrespecting her wishes by smoking. Give the mother/child relationship some time to heal. After all, she did just catch her baby boy using, what she believes to be, hard drugs. She won't be thinking entirely rationaly at the moment.

    At some point, after the tension has lifted, and you guys are on good terms again, it will come up in conversation. This is the time to present your facts. And ONLY facts. Don't try to blind-side her with some of the theories that stoners have come up with that doesn't make sense to a sober person. Also make sure to share your information in a gracious manner. Pitch it to her like you've made a humbling discovery, not like a drug addict defending their fix. Avoid comparing it to tobacco and alcohol. While this comparison should be accepted, it should be with a grain of salt. Remember, she is going to be taking everything to extremes, and the last thing you want is her picturing a sloppy stumbling drunk, or a 46 year old chain smoker on a hospital bed with a respirator.

    And the rest is on her. Use the time you have until it comes up, researching, sourcing, and organizing your facts. To be honest, your high rambling of facts for 5 minutes probably did more harm then good. But make sure to approach the matter calmly and intelligently, and you've done all you can do.

    One thing to be prepared for however, is that she will still disapprove. My parents are extremely staunch christians (so I don't know if this applies in your case) so I have done everything, to no avail. My mom has finally instituted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy whenever I see her, and has "given me to God", which is the best I can hope for.

    All I can say is good luck! And remember, there is a difference between acceptance, and tolerance. You don't want anybody tolerating your smoking. Thats just bad news.
  12. have her watch this video...

    [ame=]YouTube - Grass: The History Of Marijuana[/ame]
  13. Moms!!! :rolleyes: Gotta love them! I've got 4 kids the eldest is 16 and holy shit the things us mom's worry about.

    She's just really really scared that your going to totally fuck up your future!
    ~ sometimes our fears can actually overpower a perfectly legitimate, well though, rational conversation.

    Although the love she has for you will not diminish ~ you've fucked up by smoking in HER house and to be honest ~ she sounds disappointed.

    You've really got to man up and be responsible, show her that you DO have your shit together ~ if you don't ~ you better get that way.

    I'd also stop smoking for a bit ( her house, her rules = respect from you) try to talk to her about the lies that we've all been told, slowly introduce her to the very things that made you want to smoke in the first place. The Union is a great way to start ~ if she'll sit with you.

    Every mom is different and you know yours best. She may never "come around" to the idea of her baby boy smoking the evil grass....but she'll always love you.

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