Tempature Question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by plumface_2002, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. hello, i've been thinking about getting my feet wet in growing before next year, just you know so i can get the gist of it all and what not.

    The problem being, however, I live in southern WI and it is just starting to turn to fall. So what is the minium tempature that weed can grow in? Not the optimal or whatever, but the absolute lowest it would be able to thrive in. Obiously above freezing... but i was just wondering if i should even bother to waste my time.

    I will be using a spot in my attic, in one of those very large rubbermaid things... and i was wondering if you could even put some sort of a low level heater to help things out, those things contain heat fairly well, and if not, ill find a way. Im quite crafty with my hands... you hear that ladies :)
  2. about 60 degrees, but you would have a not so good yield. try to get it to atleast 70 degrees, 75-80 being perfect.
  3. HIGH All, the one good thing about attics is that heat will rise..so doing it in winter would be much better than summer.

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