Telling the parents.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Solidus, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. I got possession of paraphernalia which would have just been a 144 dollar fine. But now because the mindless assholes that run the shitty university I live in feel that they can "make a difference" or want to try to change my habits I have to do 24 hrs of community service and do a drug evaluation. Now I will gladly do these things but the bitch felt I wasn't being punished enough so she is making me tell my parents what happened. I have no problem of them knowing that I smoke but I would rather them find out under better circumstances. I am pissed that even though I am 18 and am doing college on my own I still get treated like a kid and they tell my mommy and daddy on me. Regardless of how fucked up their system is, my question is how did you break it to your folks and how did they react to it. And I mean if you had to fess up to them not got caught because honestly it would be easier to just get caught least they already know. Sorry for the length

  2. man, sit them down and tell them the story, real parents are not in it to get angry at you, especially if you are 18... howd u get caught?
  3. I was an idiot and overestimated the ability of a dryer sheet sploof and air freshiner. Although I don't believe they know what weed smells like because they came back another morning when I just woke up, hadn't smoked, and said it smelled like weed and found all my weed things like papers and scrapers and some broken pipes. But they just took em away with no charge. I really hate dorm life.
  4. yeah man, tell it in story form, not just "i got caught with paraphernalia" tell them why you smoke, all the facts you can about how it's not bad, and is better than smoking cigarettes or drinking. Show them you've done your homework, and are a generally responsible stoner. You got some bad information on a smell eliminating device and, thinking it worked properly, and that smoking in your room is safer than being out on campus tokin. It just so happened that the device didn't work like they said it did, and you got caught. it was stupid, and you learned something. Tell them that you know it's illegal, and that's why you try to be as careful as you can. Make sure they know that you're not addicted. I hope your grades are good, cause as long as they're good, there's not a WHOLE lot they can say. Tell them you only smoke when you don't have anything to do, and smoking doesn't get in the way of anything you ever have to do. that's all i got. hope something helps.
  5. i hate the man
  6. Yeah, why's the man always bringing us down?

    Yeah, and if you are 18 and living in a dorm, why does it matter even if they do get "mad" at you for using?
  7. happy parents are always more useful than angry parents

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