Telepathy - Schizophrenia - God, mystery of my life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by VinkoRajic, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. 1. I Vinko Rajic telepathy-vinko-rajic.blogspot was born in ex. Yugoslavia. I the area of old state called Pagania .
    We have always been the biggest insult in Vatican.

    I am Telepathic person .
    I can exchange voice messages with people using telepathy , I can exchange video with other people,
    I can exchange smell and bad and good filings with people around, people can move
    muscles on my body from distance and much more.
    And all messages from me are transmitted to big number of people so I am a Mental Radio.
    People in some countries found a mad fun , they collected money and they finance some mad psycho to stalk on me
    day and night. Maybe psycho can get 50 000 hours paid and earn few hundred thousand Euro but I have to spend
    over 10 years in poverty because of this. Number one he use it to terrorize me all the time, I have no job
    and no normal sleep, I am mad , sick and tired of this.
    People in some countries( Sweden, Norway, Croatia) are boycotting me , I have no human rights there ,
    I can not get job and no friends there. Show is "Left outside alone", with no human rights.
    They are taking part in financing this show.
    I tried for 10 Years to find work there but "no job and single is show", I had to live Sweden and Norway.
    I am Software Developer that has to work on farms in Australia and New Zealand becouse of "Telepathic terror show".

    2. Andrija Puharich family coming from Pagania , I think he could read peoples mind and he worked for CIA.
    He was an Army officer in the early 1950s. During that time, he was in and out of Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories
    and Camp Detrick, meeting with various high-ranking officers and officials, primarily from the Pentagon, CIA, and Naval Intelligence.
    Puharich was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor and author, who is perhaps best known as the person who brought
    Israeli Uri Geller and Peter Hurkos to the United States for scientific investigation.

    3. Those people in Pagania [ame=]YouTube - Mirjana in Medjugorje - proof of authenticity[/ame] have meeting with Virgin Mary.
    some 25 000 000 people has visited this town until now.


    Audible thoughts
    • Voices heard arguing
    • Voices heard commenting on one's actions
    • The experience of influences playing on the
    • Thought withdrawal and other interferences
    with thought
    • Diffusion of thought
    • Delusional perception
    • Feelings, impulses and volitional acts
    experienced as the work or influence of

    Thought insertion The patient believes that
    thoughts that are not his own are being put
    into his mind by an external agency.
    Thought withdrawal The patient believes
    that thoughts are being removed from his
    mind by an external agency.
    Thought broadcasting The patient believes
    that his thoughts are being ‘read' by others, as
    if they were being broadcast.
    Thought blocking Involves a sudden
    interruption of the train of thought, before it is
    completed, leaving a ‘blank'. The patient suddenly
    stops talking and cannot recall what he
    has been saying or thinking.

    Persecution An outside person or force is in
    some way interfering with the sufferer's life or
    wishes them harm, e.g. “The people upstairs
    are watching me by using satellites and have
    poisoned my food”.
    Reference The behavior of others, objects, or
    broadcasts on the television and radio have a
    special meaning or refer directly to the person,
    e.g. “A parcel came from Sun Alliance and the
    radio said that ‘the son of man is here', on a
    Sunday, so I am the son of God”.
    Control The sensation of being the passive
    recipient of some controlling or interfering
    agent that is alien and external. This agent can
    control thoughts, feeling and actions (passivity
    experiences), e.g. “I feel as if my face is being
    pulled upwards and something is making me
    laugh when I'm sad”.

    Hallucinations in schizophrenia may
    involve any of the sensory modalities. The
    most common are auditory hallucinations in
    the form of voices, which occur in 60–70% of
    patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    Although voices in the second person are
    most common, the characteristic
    ‘Schneiderian' voices are in the third person
    and provide a running commentary on the
    patient's actions, arguing about the patient or
    repeating the patient's thoughts. Voices may
    be imperative, ordering the patient to harm
    himself or others. Visual hallucinations occur
    in about 10% of patients, but should make
    one suspicious of an organic disorder.

    OK , what I want to tell is that I think many if not all of voices are coming out of people like me.
    some people are target for telepathic jokes and someone is reading their mind.
    Some people are just creating "Religion".
    And what else?

    Why I exist but I am not explored and documented. Many people know about my telepathy,
    many people are receiving voices and consume medicine.
  2. hi...we smoke marijuana here so i dont know why you wanna bring it to us. tokes up bro
  3. Go see a doctor asap lol you sound dangerous
  4. I do not want to smoke marijuana, maybe I just cteate a new Church.
  5. I literally have no idea what the fuck is going on??

    I didnt even wake n bake yet.

  6. The videos just show some lady crying and mumbling to herself. I see plenty of people crying and mumbling to themselves... They are called bums.
  7. No , they had video conference with Virgin Mary.
  8. i did not get a single word you fucking said man.
    this made 0% sense on a scale from 0 to 1,000
  9. I've been sending you telepathic messages for years but I didn't think they were getting through. I guess I'll stop now.
  10. Stop, please I am mad of shit you are sending
  11. Vinko, please see a psychiatrist i promise you they will make it all stop
  12. #12 gymverb, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    yes, please do
  13. I love this thread.
  14. i think I need some dust .
    Live, Laugh, Love
  15. I visitet hospital but nothing. What can they do , they do not know about telepathy. How to stop it.
  16. They will give you medicine to stop the terrorist telepathy Vinco, you dont have to suffer like this its been too long. You can get your normal life back and get a girlfriend and a job and a normal life. You must stick to the prescription you are given and take the medicine daily.
  17. he's right. they can fix this. just tell the psychiatrist everything.
  18. There's no telepathy involved. You see, you're just insane! Do you feel better now?

    Seriously, you're crazy.
    1. See a doctor.
    2. Hear his voice.
    3. Eat his medicine.
  19. You just have extrasensory abilities and you're unlocking dimensions that aren't evident to average folk. It's all g.

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