Teach me..

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by RollinGanja, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Sup GC, so I recently got a job at ibex global and went with technical support for Frontier communications.
    So pretty much the training was awful, in the 2 weeks of training they tried cramming info for HSI fios and uverse. Now I'm not completely tech illiterate but I am still clueless on how a lot of systems work. I mostly trouble shoot for networking or no sync issues. Granted a lot of the problems are solved by a simple power cycle of the modem but there are many other instances that require more detailed trouble shooting or configurations, leaving me feel helpless with what to look for or do.

    So pretty much what I'm asking is if anyone could recommend any good books, programs, or links that could help me learn the in's and out's of networking pretty much. It frustrates me to the core that I don't know everything and it just fuels my curiosity on how all this works, it really interest me.

    Any advice or recommendations is greatly appreciated!

    Wraaaap the night around me, blanket of black on my back, I feel safe in the darkness...
  2. you can take comptia's network+ certification course..not sure what books to read but id imagine anything network+ related would be good..havent messed with all that since high school so not sure on the updated techniques

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