Tea appreciation topic! What kind of tea do you drink? I avoid caffeine, so I generally drink herbal tea. Most mornings, I make ginger tea from ginger root. I have a bunch of artisan/specialty teas, one is from a local Oregon-based brand called Smith which a friend gave to me for X-mas.
Chamomile is awesome for anxiety and for falling asleep. I usually drink chamomile before bed and it makes me sleep like a baby. Also my grandma, whenever someone in the family had eye troubles like itchy/dry eyes or some swelling somewhere, she would tell you to brew a teabag of chamomile and place it on the affected area. It really works. Usually have my tea with stevia, I prefer it to the taste of sugar.
[quote name="UnsuspiciousUsername" post="19389957" timestamp="1390452661"]Black tea.Sadaf brand.And you know I gotta have it with some hard cubed sugar. [/quote]Bro...... u persian?sent from underneath my balls
[quote name="UnsuspiciousUsername" post="19390114" timestamp="1390454663"]!!!As Ariyan as they come. How about you? Because you totally look like my friend Reza. [/quote]My middle name is Reza! Half persh my friend! I knew i liked you hahahahahasent from underneath my balls
I just got big into herbal teas lately. sleeping problems and such. i bought seperate bags of scullcap, damiana, passion flower, chamomile, and lavender. i plan on getting many more herbs/plants for my teas. i love throwing in cloves while boiling the water, and then adding oranges or orange peels or sweet lime juice. sooo tasty
I have been cutting back on Soda intake so I've been making ore tea lately. I have been searching for this "bundle of herbs" type tea I bought at a little whole in the wall herb shop.....Was some of the most aromatic herbal teas I've had. I never would have expected it to be so good. Was just a dried bundle of various herbs tied with a string... also used to make passionflower tea fairly regularly, and various other relaxation teas.
Anyway, gotta have my imported earl grey from Iran... my goto tea.I also love Imperial Reserve dragonwell green and silver needle white from teavana. For herbal i really love Tazo Calm.sent from underneath my balls
lately ive been experimenting with water temperatures to see what is best. i find that if you let it boil, small bubbles, then pour it in the mug and let it cool for a minute, bfore putting in the tea/herbs it works muuch better. as not to destroy any needed alkaloids. of course some of them im sure will come from higher temperatures/longer steeping, but ive found more positive results frm lower temperatures. i dont drink tea leaves though. so idk about tea. but its worked for my herbal mixes quite well.
[quote name="Yadda" post="19392144" timestamp="1390494676"]I gotta have my earl grey and chamomile. Jasmine is nice too[/quote]Nothing beats jasmine flower tea after a fat banh mi wit dat chargilled porksent from underneath my balls