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Discussion in 'General' started by 420neverforget, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. is the shit. Green tea, iced tea, sweet tea, hot or cold, it's always tea time somwhere.

    Ginseng in the HOUSE

  2. Lol I love this. Southern. Im pretty down with tea.
  3. Tea is dope af.
  4. Twiskey IMO, is the shit...

    What's twiskey? Sweet tea and whiskey......yum.
  5. [quote name='"ChiefBrittany"']Lol I love this. Southern. Im pretty down with tea.[/quote]

    Right...I hear up north they don't even serve sweet tea up north!
  6. Need to explain more. Cus i don'T drink anything but sweet tea

  7. Take sweet tea, add whiskey.....

    It's real good. We make our tea ol fashioned, lots of sugar, real sweet. Then add whiskey til it's perfect, there's no right or wrong way, just your preference. Careful though, it's real easy to get tipsy and if you like tea already, it can become quite addicting. I buy the cheapest whiskey and add til it's good for me.
  8. What is there to explain?

    Sweet tea. Whiskey. Mix. How fucking hard is that.
  9. #9 orville22, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
    Wow asshole.

    Name-calling is not tolerated here - WW
  10. guys...:rolleyes::smoking:
  11. Sweet tea from mcdonalds all day!!
  12. Ahmen. Only a buck!!
  13. I like the quotes they put on peace tea.
  14. Buy a tea maker and you'll never buy that gas-station high fructose corn syrup "tea" ever again. Wayy better at home with simple ingredients (tea, sugar, water, lemon). I cant even drink an Arizona without my stomach feel like its caving in. I prefer black tea (Tetley is a good brand) I love lemon grass tea in the summer though, even more tasty with lemonade.:yummy:

  15. That's how we do it. Have a lemon tree on the side of my house. Never had any store bought tea. Didn't even know McDonald's made tea. Only had homemade and it's good stuff. Can't even magine what tea with corn syrup tastes like. Sounds gross lol
  16. chai tea lattes are fucking great. i have one almost every morning
  17. i remember when i was like 14 i found out that the local store by my school sold straight ginseng shots i would drink 2 or 3 a day untill one day i mixed 5 with my coffee and could not stop shaking now i stay far far away from that stuff

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