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TCF bank in Denver drug test

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kraykikikush, May 6, 2016.

  1. I hate to post this, but I searched and searched and could only find one source claiming to have firsthand experience, here:Drug test results for TCF bank, a company that does Employee Drug Testing

    But that's in the Midwest and I'm in Denver. I also find it kinda hard to believe they'd do a follicle test, aren't those super expensive?

    So all I want to know is if anyone knows what type of test they use, and whether they do random tests. This job isn't worth a $200 shampoo, so if it really is a hair test I'll just say screw it.
    If you've worked for any other Denver area banks, I'd like to hear your experience too.

    And kind of off topic but this doesn't need a whole thread: how thoroughly do they search you at testing facilities? If it's a UA I was planning on wearing a skirt and tights and sticking a bottle of synthetic in there near my crotch. They can't ask me to lift my skirt that far, can they?
    I appreciate any relevant info you can give me.

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