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Talking about smoking/weed in a close quarters public area.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Piller, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Who else hates when friends do this? I know some people don't care but i'd rather keep those things to MYSELF espescially when in a close public area where we are not moving and sit next to these people lol. Some palces i don't care if we talk about it but sometimes i just think why would you talk about it here? I know they can't do anything but idk.

    Anyone else?
  2. Honestly I don't really care. But I live in California where its practically legal anyway so I might feel differently in another state.
  3. I could care less. I casually smoke joints in town only ever had some kids come up to be asking for a hit/if i could get them hooked up. With my allergies and poor sleeping habits I look like a heroin addict even stone cold sober, so no point in trying to hide it.
  4. don't be afraid of who you are.

    fight for your rights.

    or get out of the way and let others

    while you're describing careless behavior that
    scares you when you're paranoid, you're a
    pawn of the oppressor
  5. I hear what you're saying. Depends on the location mostly for me. I try to keep my smoking private/among friends so there is a time and a place. Just because you dont want to talk about it in public doesnt mean you're hiding it or are becoming a pawn.
  6. that's true, but to try and control others talking about it through fear of oppression
    is bad news bears
  7. I dont think hes trying to control his friends through oppressive methods bro. But I know what you are saying.
  8. I talk about weed anywhere, anytime with anyone. Who the fuck cares if others hear, they probably smoke themselves to, maybe they'll come up to me and bust out a joint? Plus I speak in code so I wont walk down the hall saying somthing like "ya man gonna go outside real quick a light up a joint" I say something like "hey man lets get some fresh air"

    My freind is just like you and gets really pissed when I talk about bud in public places which kinda irritates me because it almost sounds like your paraniod.

  9. I have a friend like this too, it drives me nuts.

    Dude just relax, it doesn't matter.
  10. I don't really care about that

    Only thing that annoys me is when someone talks shit loudly about someone within earshot and I feel bad for them
  11. nah i dont really worry about it the cops at the school dont really say anything to us when we talk about getting high as long as were at the bus stop
  12. Depends on the situation. If I'm at the mall or some shit with friends then I really don't give a fuck, but in a lecture or seminar I'm more cautious.
  13. Whatever, as long as my family or a teacher is around i dont are. Oh, and cops.
  14. I remember back in HS me and a few kids from my anatomy class toked up after school and the next day they were very vocal about it: "yo bro i fucking fell asleep high last night!", so much that i think the teacher heard it. awkward

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