Tale of three autos- gorilla glue

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Deleted member 1095427, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. Started these for a first attempt at some real plants. Grew a bag seed once and got about a zip off it with a viperspectra 600. So now growing three autos about 7 weeks old in my 4x4 room. Got a hlg 260xw and recently threw in my old viperspectra 600 but now the temps are at 84. Previously 75 or so. Running 24/0 in happy frog and using fox farms trio at about half strength. Using r/o water with cal mag. One plant looks totally different and only one isn’t struggling some. The other two are behind. Anyhow hoping they came around.

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  2. Looks nice man, good job. I think they might be suffering a slight heat stress ass one of them has canoeing/tacoing the serated sides of the leaves curling up. Nice and bushy, LST?
  3. Thanks! Can’t seem to resist wanting to run that viperspectra for the extra wattage. Whenever I do it shoots up to 84 in the room. I could turn it off and the temps go down to mid 70’s. Seems like I always gotta push the limits but think I’ll turn it off and just run the qb260. Probably be better if I just had two plants under it though. I have to keep three pretty tight. But yea, that viper vegged them real tight. I didn’t do any lST until the last week or so. Trying not to mess with them cause their autos but sheesh can’t get any light in the middle.
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  4. Well, your plants are rather bushy, I think if you tuck as many of the leaves that are shadowing lower bud sites and such, that would at least add a better light penetration from just one light, whilst keeping the temp down also. Still, it is also only a slight sign of heat stress, its pretty common tbh especially in summer. You could take your chances with it, 84f is right on the cusp of bad temps afaik. Either adding co2 or potassium silicate can help plants that are hotter than they would like. co2 makes them use the heat to be productive, whereas potassium silicate makes plants hardier and more resilient.
  5. Thanks. I def need to start tuckin some more leaves. Finally getting big enough that they may stay tucked in. I had to take off some of the bottom leaves. I couldn’t even see in there to water. Would have probably preferred a bit more stretch but I’m liking these. Thinking I water a bit too much as well. The front one is dropping bad on top of the plant.
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  6. So just passed week 9 and they are getting closer to the finish line. At least the two bigger ones. The last pic is the one struggling the most and longest so I just stuck it under my viperspectra 600 in the corner and it suddenly seems to coming around. I’ll keep that going till the other two are done then give it the qb light for a few extra weeks all alone maybe. The other two have no amber trichs right now except on the sugar leaves so I’m guessing they’ll be 10-12 week autos instead of 8-9 like growers choice says. All good though as I see the colas fattening up. IMG_4160.JPG IMG_4161.JPG IMG_4162.JPG

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  7. They all got harvested at different times based on trich colors. Except the first one which I chopped at week 10 out of necessity. Filled about 12 or 13 quart jars 3/4 full dry. Chopped each one a week or two apart and really they all are equal except the one I took down too early. Time to start their replacements. Got some tangerine dream and ak autos from growers choice germinating. Thanks for all the help and advice getting the last three to harvest.

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