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Taking the driving test whilst slightly baked

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Batmanchu, May 26, 2012.

  1. Before anyone jumps on my dick about this, I'm 19. Yes, I'm 19 and I never got my drivers license. Never really had to. I got a state ID like, two years ago, and it has served me well, but now I need a license. Problem is, I've taken it a few times now, and obviously, have not passed. I can drive fine while not being tested, but when the driving tester person gets in the car, my nerves shoot way up and I get way nervous, which ends in my failure of said test. I was thinking, maybe I could get slightly high just to suppress my nerves? Not like, stupid baked high, but just a mellow buzz to stash away my nervousness, or is that a totally bad idea?
  2. It's all good bro, I didn't get my license until I was 21! I wouldn't smoke before you do the driving test because instead of being nervous, you will be uber paranoid which in turn will make you more nervous, which in turn will cause you to make mistakes. When I took my test the lady could even tell I was a little nervous, the only thing that caused me to fail was because I stopped at an unmarked intersection.

    It's a totally bad idea to smoke before something like that, wait until you get home and reward your passing of the drivers test! If you smoke before and fail you will just beat yourself up over it.

  3. Better safe then sorry!
  4. #4 Dissec, May 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2012
    At 17 i got my permit completely baked, i say do it. Or was it my intermediate? Idk, but i drove high and passed.
  5. Dnt do it man...i have had my issues with dl and it sucks when u get it it sober and just relax...not sure if this helps but it sounded good in ny head n im supa baked off a keif blunt
  6. Yeah well said. Not only that, if the workers at the Driver's Institute potentially found out about you getting intoxicated before the test, you could automatically be disqualified the day of, or suffer worse penalties.
  7. I accidentally took all my driving lessons high (long story) and passed my test the first try. :cool: I guess it wouldn't hurt to try taking the test high, but don't get too high lol
  8. Or stoner up and just do it, seriously its pretty easy to drive high.
  9. i was baked at every class and lesson
  10. I personally wouldn't.
  11. Bad advice.

    OP, NO. If you can't do it while you are sober, then you definitely don't need to be doing it when you're high. You need to work on your driving skills, because you need to know how to drive under pressure anyways. You can't be getting nervous behind the wheel, practice until you're comfortable enough to drive in any situation, then take the test and imagine the DMV person isn't even there. Imagine it as a navigation system saying "Turn right at the next intersection".
  12. If you can't do it sober why not try it stoned. I get in the zone whenever I need to while stoned.
  13. If he was high maybe he could pretend he's a GPS device a little bit easier...

    Besides its not going to hurt anything if he's already tried it sober a few times, most people will drive high at some point anyways.
  14. If it's just a mellow buzz and you can control yourself, I'd say most definitely do it. Good luck dude
  15. Doesn't matter if you're high for the driving test. I took mine high. I do nearly everything high except going to my university classes.

    You can either drive well , or you can't.
  16. That post about paranoia is a bit off for me. It's not like you're getting blitzed.

    A buzz should in all honesty calm your nerves if you are a regular smoker.

  17. Doesn't a buzz calm anyone's nerves? :D

    I got my girlfriend into edibles literally 5 days ago and she loves to get buzzed and calm down. But she can't function, and I can function (and drive) while really really high. :confused_2: So I guess yeah if he is a regular smoker it'll only calm his nerves. :D

    I can control myself while pretty high :confused_2:
  18. What have you failed for exactly?

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