Taking Pics of the Plants to Upload

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sickomindo, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. I must say thanks again DGC (Dude Grows Show) Scotty Real and The Dude their free audio podcast with 3 shows a week (200+ Total).

    They recommended when you take your pictures of your girls, to take the picture through your sunglass lenses especially in flower mode.
    So I tried it, and boy does it work. It almost looks like they're back in veg in the pics. Really helps out and makes a difference when you're trying to send people and upload pictures to diagnose issues.

    I have learned so much but listening to those guys and their podcast have really helped out and I highly recommend it.

    I make a donation of $10 a month membership with higher access to paying it forward, but you don't have too pay anything. The podcasts are all about growing and cultivating. These guys are awesome and out of Colorado.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. i usually take pics right after the lights go out so i can get true color. Was playing around taking pics through my method 7 glasses and they do do an amazing job of filtering out the orange light. It did degrade the image quality a little because my lense is bigger around than my glasses so i got hazey edges a bit. Makes it a little fuzzy but if you can't hit it up at lights out it works. Might work better with other cameras. I was able to find one actual method seven camera filter but i'm not shelling out 100 bucks for it.[​IMG]
  3. it's funny though thinking about it i took that pic through a cell phone with the glasses i think not through the nikon.

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