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Taking A Six Month Tolerance Break

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Mary Joe, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. #1 Mary Joe, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
    Lately, I've been smoking/cooking with weed almost daily. Then yesterday, I made three firecrackers. I ate one. No effect. I then ate another one an hour later. Still no effect. I ate the final firecracker an hour after I ate the second one. I received a buzz.

    That's when I knew I have to stop. There's nothing wrong with weed. But my tolerance has skyrocketed and I can barely get high anymore. Another reason I'm taking a break is that I've been using weed now to cover up my problems. I no longer want to run away from my problems, but attack them head on. And fix them.

    June 01, 2013 is when I'll start smoking again. This will give me plenty of time to get my shit together. Getting a job, getting into college, and being more healthy and physically active. Plus, this will prove everybody around me that weed isn't addicting. Anyone want to give me support and tips, go ahead!! I know that by June of next year, my ass will be blasting off into outer space.
  2. Good for you man! Hope all goes well!
  3. Good on you man, it's always a good idea to take breaks, even if it just to prove to yourself that you can :)
    Exercise gets your mind off it pretty fast, so when I'm on T-Breaks I ride my bike everywhere.
    Also, just so you know, your tolerance will probably go away after about a week or two, no matter how high it is, but a few months off never hurt anyone :)
  4. Sounds like you have a pretty high tolerance bud. You could decide to throw around the question of "were those firecrackers potent enough?" but it sounds like you're taking a route to improve your wellbeing. A habit can be a tough thing to break, even if it's not addicting.

    Depending on how you want to proceed, I don't think it would be a bad idea reevaluate your t-break to say...two months? Just a friendly suggestion...since you'll probably hit your baseline before those six months are over.

    The most important thing here is that you're recognizing your potential misuse of the herb. I congratulate you on that and wish you the best of luck in your journey forward.
  5. Technically if you start up again on June 1st that will only be a five month t-break.
  6. Thanks, you guys! I know I can do this! Another reason I'm taking a break is so I can get those n00b highs back. But I've heard from some people that 2-3 months is all you need, so I guess we'll see.

    Thanks for the correction! I just realized my math was a little off.
  7. Good luck mary or joe,, (not sure if ur name is mary or joe ) i am planning to take a break also,,, i smoke good good evrryday for years ,mornng and night (im 22) its gonna be hard but i know i can do it,,,the thing is ihave an 8th and a grinder full of keef so im trying to teach myself to withstain from smoking even if its in my possesion,, welll its workin a little,,, im gonna try to taper off untill the new year because i know im going to have some tention and stress while quitting,, but i know its for the best,, ithink weed has made me become a little socially awkward,,, and a bit lazy,,im looking foward to having a clear mind and doing better in college and becoming healthier in the body and mind,, what are your techniques on takin the break.? Have u had any side effects yet? They will be there if you were a heavy smoker

  8. Just make sure you stay bros with your dealer...
    I almost lost all my connections after a 3 month break due to my dealer quitting.. :(
  9. No side effects yet! I'm on day 2. But I will keep myself occupied to take my mind off of weed. I smoke every weekend at my friend's house (his dad has lots of weed). So it will be hard at first to say no. But I can't give in! I can do this.

    Good luck with your t-break as well!
  10. Yes staying occupied works wonders,, also changing your enviroment,,, butif u can get past your buddy without smoking then youve takin a HUGE step. Also drink alot of water !:) goodluck again peaaaaace
  11. I have been smoking for about 7 years now with the only breaks being a couple 1-7 day tolerance breaks, a one month tolerance break and a 9 month forced tolerance break when I was caught in high school growing weed. In my experience, I've found that I had the same quality of high after my one month tolerance break as I did after getting out of jail and not smoking for nearly 9 months. It was the type of high you would expect from a good tolerance break: got stoned for at least 6 hours on half a bowl of shwag while I'm used to a buzz off of real dank. I'm starting a tolerance break today and am gonna try to go a month, which is somewhat of a challenge to me. I know that weed is not physically addictive but, just like everything, if you are predispositioned to addiction and have an addictive personality you can get addicted to everything. I once knew someone addicted to watching TV to the point that it induces withdrawal to stop. The main thing I've found out is to keep your mind occupied and keep your thoughts positive. Good luck on your tbreak!
  12. THIS!!!!

    worst part about my tbreak was..i reached my goal of 2 ready to smoke.hit up all the bud dealers i knew..they were either dry/not selling anymore/or didnt even respond..
  13. I'm on a year long t-break, so it sucks lol.

    First few weeks are alright, then you get used to it. The temptation sucks though. As long as you're busy you'll be alright. It definitely frees up some time.
  14. Are you on a year long t-break or did you just stop for whatever reason? I would think one's tolerance goes down as much as it's going to after a month or so I was just curious as to why you'd go a full year.

    Big ups to the efforts regardless. I know it's not easy especially the first few days/weeks.

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