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Taking a bath while high

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by SSH12, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. So I just felt like trying a bath yesterday while blazed so I smoked a bowl of dank and set up the hot water. 
    Here's when things started to get a little nice, When I got in the tub i literally was shocked because it felt so fucking nice and my body started to shake for a couple seconds because it felt so nice. Then after chilling for a little bit the water and just everything just felt so good on my dick too so I ended up fucking the water LOL. Idk why but fucking the water felt like fucking my girl with a condom on so that was a nice experience. Then my dad came home so I just chilled and I got to say after chillin for 15 mins the bath started to feel normal but still felt super nice but after a while I eventually got out. 
    Here's another nice part of it, when I got back in my room and looked at my computer screen I felt even higher everything got blurry and idk it just hit me all at once so it felt like the bath magnified my high for  a little bit. If you haven't tried taking a bath while baked, I def recommend it though some people say it does kill their high but that was opposite for me. 

  2. #2 I Railed Hellen Keller, Dec 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2013
    are you sure your 18? I find it hard to believe your a water fucking virgin.
  3. I've had my share growing up  :ey:
  4. :eek:Sent from my W100 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. The first time I got high I was by myself at my house and went for a bath just to make sure I didn't smell when my parents got home and I was just laying in the water watching it go back and forth whenever I moved and it felt like it was in slow motion and I could feel them go from one side of the tub to the other.
  6. I donk my ears in fully and just listen to the water flowing shits trippy.
  7. yeah baths are awesome. I like to get high in them or when my parents are home, put a towel under the door, turn the fan on, and open the mini window next to the shower. what you can do then is smoke while you take a shower. 
    the visual effects and sensations experienced as you go from sober shower to high shower make it super awesome. be sure to finish with cool or cold water so that your pores can all close up thus making sure you don't get acne or dried out skin.
  8. Honestly baths while high arent special now but thats more because my tolerance is so high 
  9. Like the dude in the Big Lebowski?I do that shit weekly bro. But dudes dont bust into my place smashing my shit and threatening to cut off my nuts.sent from underneath my balls

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