Take a guess..

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by nuker121hydro, May 31, 2015.

  1. This showed up on a couple of the bottom leaves... Wanna take a guess?

    Attached Files:

  2. Early/mild magnesium deficiency is my guess.
  3. Some kind of insect damage?
    Take a pair of  scissors and snip the spots off. If they don't appear in masse someplace else, problem solved. For now consider it an anomaly before applying some type of "fix". LITFA....[​IMG]
  5. #5 jerry111165, Jun 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2015
    "Wanna take a guess?"
    yep - I'll guess that it's absolutely nothing at all to worry about and that you should take Possums advice and LITFA. Your leaves look a beautiful green around the spots and if they were my plants, I'd chalk it up to "Shit Happens" and not give it another thought.
    I certainly wouldn't go thinking that it was a magnesium deficiency.
    Edit - btw, you're not another one of those damn hippy deadheads are you? Sheesh. ;)
  6. Yes sir , I guess if one needed a label, I would fall into the category of "damn hippy deadhead"... Lol.. Its a life long love I have. Will be in Santa Clara for the 27th and 28th shows. Probably won't remember much but I will be there.. Hooray.. Thanks j..
  7. Damn hippies all over the place!

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