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T-Break/Quiting advice!?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by RoXyFoOj6, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Hello!
    I have been smoking for about a year now. It helps me with anxiety and insomnia. For the first few months I would smoke 1-3 times a week. Later I started smoking 5 bowls a day. I never went crazy with smoking. Now I smoke a bowl in the morning (wake and bake) and a bowl at night to sleep. Sometimes just at night. I was a productive stoner. I went to school. Went to work. Has a good relationship with my family. Until i got caught. My parents over react. I'm a 21 ur old female btw. They chose to get mad at me for nothing. Instead of seeing the fact that I was fine and doing well, they were more focused on the "drug" part. It helped me a lot with my anxiety and depression. I live with my aunt now but they want me to leave soon. In nice way. I saw my dad recently and he made a deal with me to give me my car back and a small studio he built if I stopped smoking. The problem is that it's hard. I tried for 2 days and I couldn't sleep. I get irritated easily. I just want to quit for a few months so he thinks I quit. And so I can get a better job. But it's hard. Any advice?
    I'm afraid of I quit. My anxiety will come back. I used to be afraid to walk down the street. But ever since I started smoking. I became braver. Happier. And a better person in my opinion. My insomnia is terrible. And I get mad easily. I don't know what to do instead of smoke. Video games don't interest me anymore. Nor do tv shows. I'm
    Going to miss going to nature sites and burn. Or having my nightly sesh.
    Is it bad/wrong that I'm lying to my dad if I do this?
    Also afraid that I'm going to lose my stoner friends if I quit. I love them
    So much. They have helped me through thick and thin. Especially when I got a few anxiety attacks.

    (my dads son went mentally insane from smoking. That's another reason why he's worried)

    Advice please! Advice for how to sleep and get through the day would be helpful!

    Also in a few months (if I can stop for a few months) I was planning to buy blunts and take a few hits a night just to help with stress and this too much? Should I just smoke on Fridays ;-; idk anymore!!!!! My dad makesstoners sound crazy and weed sound addictive. I know it's not. But i need it to sleep.
  2. Hey I'm in a super similar situation. 21 year old female who felt as if cannabis was benefitting her anxiety and depression until her parents found out. I'm a wreck. Ive struggled with anxiety since puberty, long before I was even ever introduced to cannabis.
    I'm so conflicted because my parents and some articles/studies tell me one thing, and my own experience and other studies tell me differently.
    My parents have always been very controlling forces in my life and though it would be easier in that aspect to simply stop, I don't want to. I like smoking and it tempts me because I like it and I know if I do it im not going to regret it for any other reason than thinking of my family's disappointment.
    I feel the need to make this decision on my own. Though I have been doubting myself on and off, I think the best thing for me is to listen to my own body and no one else. If I feel as if cannabis is hindering me more than helping me, that would be a different story. It's very hard to stick to your guns when you are so conflicted yourself but that's what I'm trying to to. The stronger my self confidence is and the more faith I have in myself, I feel the happier I will become. I feel as if letting my family bully me into quitting will not help my anxiety or self esteem. So I'm taking it into my own hands though it's stressful. I feel it.

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