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t-break help

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by wakenbake88, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. i have been smoking every day, somewhere between 2-10 times, for 10 months and i have finally concluded i need a t-break. my tolerance is out of control, and it is taking too much weed for too little a high. i have tried cold turkey, but i cant do it. i get no sleep, and feel like a wreck. ive realized that i can stand not smoking when i am around people, but at my house alone the boredom is too much. basically, i just need some tips from some real seasoned tokers on how i can do this. really, i just need to find stuff to pass the time and help me sleep. hopefully i'll be able to do this eventually, but for now, i remain smacked :smoke:
  2. If you like to read, read alot. It's time-consuming and it makes you tired :)
  3. Best thing to do, is to keep that "high" feeling is - Poppin a couple pills, or just getting drunk.

    For more of a blow "high" feeling try copping some xanax or some triple C's
  4. Cold turkey is really the only way to go I think, I've been trying to do a t reak in moderation smoking during it and it dosnt work. Thats me at least. I took a 2 day break and now im just smoking dank and its working alright, but I need to take one sooner or later also
  5. Yeah lower your tolerance by picking up some addictive things.

    Try some kind of exercise, by the end of the day you will be tired instead of bored.
  6. you're the exact opposite of me. i can be sober alone when i'm not doing anything, but around people i wanna get stoned and party. i also sleep like crazy when sober.
    listen to some new music. draw. write a story or poetry. read a book. go for walks. exercise. go for a drive. go on a roadie with some friends, no smoking allowed. you'll never be alone to smoke, and you'll be having fun.
  7. You have to have a routine when you take t breaks. The first day/night is usually hell, but it gets easier every day.

    I notice that exercise is the key to tbreaks. If I don't stay actively exercising, then boredom sets in, and then u want to blaze again.

    go for a jog, or play wii fit.

    I have been doing the wii fit since I have started my tbreak and it has helped me out bunches.

    Hang in there bro.
  8. im on day 9 of my forced tbreak--- and it definetly gets easier each day

    Doing things is key. be social , outgoing , do things uve been meaning to do, excercise.

    Or you could just get your wisdom teeth out, and if ur as anxious and hypochondriash(made up word i know) as me you wont smoke
  9. Man i havnt smoked since 4/20, i find that gettin on GC helps me out and also carvboarding and some skatin. I'm also starting another grow which will be finshed by the time im off my tbreak.
  10. Stopping cold turkey is really the best solution, or temporary solution anyway.
    Im on a break right now, and ive got at least another week to go.
    I find spending a lot of time on here can satisfy my urge for getting high, just looking at weed related stuff all day keeps my curiosity at bay.
    Also getting outside and getting active, is a good way to keep you happy and keep your mind off of other shit. Video games, music, learning an instrument, anything that occupies time will keep you away.
    Just put away the pipe for a while. and just remember that its not going anywhere, it will still be there when you resume toking.

  11. well aside from everything else thats been said to pass time, a good way of lowering tolerence is just by waiting until night time to smoke.

    just pass some time during the day, and when it hits 6 o clock, blaze a few times until you go to sleep......

    after doing this, start decreasing the amount you smoke. lets say you have 4 sessions at nite. the following week only have 3 sessions total, 2 the next etc.

    i know its hard, ive been smoking 2-3 grams a day for 5 years, and i decided to take my first t-break after 420 this year. im thinking about going until July, so that my tolerance will be the same as a first timer.

    trust me, follow this method, and your tolerence will drop like a motherfucker

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