Sythetic urine. Dot . Does it still work 2017?

Discussion in 'General' started by Emerica47, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Hello everyone. I recently for the first time tried to substitute urine on a DOT drug test. I used Quick Fix 6.1 with urea. It was a random drug test and I was prepared. The collector checked off the box that my sample was between 90 and 100 degree F. She left no remarks on the paperwork. Anyways I took the test friday, it's now sunday and I go into work tomorrow. I'm worried about dealing with the embarrassment of failing. Super awkward. So my question is. Does synthetic urine still work on DOT test these days. And also if you fail how fast do you find out. Im assuming faster than if you were positive since the validity check is the first thing they do. And its fake its fake. No need for further testing. Thanks in advance
  2. ....... is this getting no love because y'all are sick of these same post. Over and overr....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Why don't you post the answer to your question when you get it
  4. I absolutely will. I took the test Friday. Today is Monday haven't heard anything yet
  5. Well it's Tuesday now and I still have not heard anything. Does anyone know if that mro will call you for a DOT drug test if you fail the validity test. I know they will call if you test positive because they need to see if there is a reason why but if they know it's synthetic than there really is no reason to call if anyone has experience with this that would be great
  6. Okay so it's Wednesday I took the test on Friday still no word. I think after Friday I will assume I'm good but not out of the clear yet. If I do pass I'm going to make a video synthetic urine and pass a DOT test
  7. Okay so it's Thursday morning here in California and I'm still driving. I took a random friday. Do you think I'm good or still not out of the clear?
  8. Well I know this forum is basically me just talking to myself but it's Friday and it's been a week since my random. Is it a bad idea to call the mro and ask if they have sent the results back yet
  9. I think it's time to quit worrying about it. Often with negative results you never get a call saying you passed. Especially with randoms.
  10. Any word of your results?
  11. Still no word. No news is good news so I'm assuming I passed. 2 weeks is to long for a saftey sensitive position
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  12. Just another follow up. Any bad news? Lol. I did the same and I'm at 9 business days out still no word for me
  13. I took it two Fridays from today still no word. Are you still working?

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