Swine Flu: Manufactured Crisis?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by potsandplans, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. It may seem outrageous but consider this:

    1) Swine flu is not actually swine flu but a combination of bird flu, two kinds of swine flu, and human flu. The CDC calls the mixture "very unusual." In order for this kind of mutation to happen naturally, someone would have had to have all four flus at once. Perhaps there is a simpler explanation?

    New flu combines pig, bird, human virus | World News | News.com.au
    Deadly new flu virus in US and Mexico may go pandemic - health - 24 April 2009 - New Scientist

    2) Swine flu does not seem to infect pigs, AKA swine. Also, all who have contracted it have contracted it human-to-human. Where did it originate?

    "We have had person-to-person spread with the father and the daughter," says Wooten, "And also with the two teenagers in Texas, they were in the same school. So that also indicates person-to-person transfer."

    Dr. Wooten says it's unclear how people were exposed to swine flu. She says none of the patients have had any contact with pigs."

    “This strain of swine influenza that's been cultured in a laboratory is something that's not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and the world, so this is actually a new strain of influenza that's been identified,”

    "Residents of the town of Perote said at the time that they had a new, aggressive bug - even taking to the streets to demonstrate against the pig farm they blamed for their illness - but were told they were suffering from a typical flu. It was only after U.S. labs confirmed a swine flu outbreak that Mexican officials sent the boy's sample in for swine flu testing.

    Mexico's Agriculture Department said Monday that inspectors found no sign of swine flu among pigs around the farm in Veracruz, and that no infected pigs have been found yet anywhere in Mexico."

    3) In February 2007, Indonesia signs an agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals in which Indonesia would send Baxter samples of H5N1 [bird flu] in collaboration to find a vaccine.

    Reuters AlertNet - Indonesia, Baxter sign pact on bird flu vaccine

    Later, Indonesia would back out of the agreement. The publicly stated reason is that Indonesia is asking for money, rather than sending it for free. Nearly every news agency reported this. However, the following article clears up the confusion a little bit:

    "Indonesia did not say why it is withholding samples of the virus. But it, Thailand, and other developing countries have expressed concern that their H5N1 samples will be sent to Western nations, and used there to develop vaccines that citizens of the originating country won't be able to afford."
    Indonesia Stops Sharing Bird Flu Samples

    Key words: "did not say why." The real reason was that Indonesia was suspicious of US/Western pharmaceutical companies creating bio-weapons out of bird flu. What really confirms that the companies were indeed making bio-weapons is that the US Government publicly denied that the pharm companies were developing bio-weapons.


    JAKARTA, March 17 (Xinhua) - The United States has flatly denied allegations it was producing biological weapons from bird flu samples sent by Indonesia to the World Health Organization, the English daily The Jakarta Post reported Monday."
    Breaking News: USA DENIES MAKING BIOWEAPONS from BIRD FLU! « Les dessous de l’information mondiale-Downside World News

    4) In February 2009, Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught sending unmarked vials of bird flu mixed with human flu to labs in 18 countries. It was discovered when a lab in the Czech Republic injected ferrets with the product and the ferrets died. This raised suspicion as ferrets should not die from human H3N2 flu virus. Further testing confirmed H5N1. Baxter said it was a "mistake." This was the second time it happened.

    Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

    "The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany."
    Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

    5) The government recommended drug to fight the swine flu is Tamiflu.

    "According to the Japanese Health Ministry, 54 people have died after taking Tamiflu - the drug governments around the world have stockpiled for use against avian flu - since the drug was approved for use in Japan in 2000. Most suspiciously, in multiple cases people, including those cases above, acted erratically after taking Tamiflu."
    Danger from the Bird-Flu Drug? - TIME

    Acted erratically? Hmm

    "Rumsfeld was a member of Gilead's board of directors between 1988 and 2001, and he was its chairman from 1997 until he joined President George W. Bush's cabinet as Secretary of Defense in 2001. According to federal financial disclosures filed by Rumsfeld, he has Gilead stock holdings valued at between $5 million to $25 million."
    snopes.com: Tamiflu and Donald Rumsfeld

    Gilead Sciences, Inc. was the developer of Tamiflu. Donald Rumsfeld is a major stock holder, as well as being intimately tied to the organization. HMM. Let us not forget that Rumsfeld has also brought us such wonderful creations such as aspartame, the artificial sweetener that turns into formaldehyde in your body and is somehow FDA approved.

    6) Baxter International working on swine flu vaccine.

    7) News Clip: Russia Today interviews investigatory journalist Wayne Madsen who notes sketchiness about the new swine flu.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=morpsu1v31M&fmt=18]YouTube - Swine Flu Man Made 4 28 09[/ame]

    8) Media all over swine flu, perhaps blowing out of proportion. A new terror scare? However, we can't know how big it may get. Ron Paul on this subject:
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB5-Y08qbjo]YouTube - Congressman Paul on the Recent Swine Flu Scare[/ame]

    9) California declares state of emergency due to swine flu [4/27/09].
    Swine flu prompts California state of emergency | U.S. | Reuters

    10) WHO declares phase 5 pandemic. Phase 6 allows/encourages martial law.
    WHO | Current WHO phase of pandemic alert

    11) According to an end of year report 2008 of Chugai, a company that
    manufactures Tamiflu,

    "For the year [2009], we forecast sales of Tamiflu to reach ¥53.0
    billion, up 531.0%"


    How did they expect a 531% increase in Tamiflu sales back in 2008?

    Roche, the company that has the rights to Tamiflu also just so happened to up their stake in Chugai from about 50% to 59% last year. hmm

  2. Created by CIA to bring down the population in North America to make room for the new world order.
  3. Oh yeah regarding Baxter sending it to labs:

    I think Baxter had been doing this on the down low for a while, sending H5N1 samples to its labs in various places to do secret experiments. The lower level scientists on a whim decided to test the samples one time, and that was how they were caught, and that it may not be just a one-time thing.
  4. This outta be a really interesting thread...
  5. YES I am a fellow ATSer and am fully aware of the New World Order. Currently I'm researching the new world religion agenda. UN + Occultism + share international + UNESCO + theosophy and so on. Keep the truth alive!
  6. Makes me wanna invest in Chugai. One of my teachers said that this fall is when the swine flu is actually going to be a problem. I forgot the number he said but it was like 40% of the population is expected to get the swine flu or something around that.
  7. I'm scared.
  8. Man this isn't even scratching the surface this shit goes soo deep, theres been nights where i just got retardedly stoned and thought about this stuff for hours, and it all makes so much sense and its so scary, but knowledge is the best thing to arm yourself with
  9. Dr. Gonz speaks the truth. When I first finally realized the New World Order was for real I spent many a sleepless night researching. Here is one of the BEST proof in my opinion, of the New World Order:

    I posted this in the Politics forum as well, but I'll put this video here again

    It is taken from 2006 during the Bilderberg Conference [major policy maker of New World Order], not inside, of course. It is of Daniel Estulin, a investigator of the Bilderberg Group who've followed them since the 1980s, talking about what his sources inside of Bilderberg had told him. He predicts to the TEE the current economic collapse happening right now, as in it is uncannily on point. If you don't know what the Bilderberg Group is, I suggest you research it.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpgO9l37ODo]YouTube - Proof that the financial crisis was created by the Bilderbergers[/ame]
  10. If it gets big it will get really big. This is because nobody has any natural immunity/antibodies for this new "super-flu."

    What I think will come from this is mandatory vaccinations, or they're going to try. I for one will be refusing this. I know that Sarkozy the French President, AKA one of the biggest puppets of the New World Order, has already ordered massive amounts of vaccine and will probably make them mandatory in the fall. Who knows whats in those shits.

    I can see this happening in the US as well as Britain, or really any New World Order nation, it is too early to tell. All I know is that if they come through with vaccines, I'm saying "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."

    Part of the plan is also to expand the World Health Organization into a bigger more powerful World Department of Health.
  11. Not made intentionally, but spawned very conveniently.
    We are so hipped up and weakened on prescription drugs and antibiotics, a flu virus could prove horrifically fatal to us.
    Our 'modern medicine' telling us to go to the doctor over every little thing is KILLING us.
    Even if you don't take antibiotics like some do, the viruses could/do mutate and become impervious to cures.
    Case in point: MRSA infections are completely untreatable now because we have used so many antibiotics on them they are super powered.
    Canabaniods, however, are able to tackle the virus.

    The best medicine is excercize, healthy diet and plenty of sleep.
  12. nice post but im not staying another thread like this again.
  13. the government creating swine flu is just stupid, it would cost way too much money for what affect? Scaring people for 2 weeks?

    I remember that shit was on the news 24/7 and then pretty much stopped once everyone realized it's just about the same as the normal flu.
  14. It's not just our government, but this is an international deal.

    The goal is a more powerful and integrated world health organization.. a World Health Department. Just another step towards global government.

    also, it seems like they are trying hard to sneak in mandatory vaccination legislation.

    and another thing, whether or not it is just like regular flu, we will find out this fall. The media did do a lot of exaggeration.
  15. The WHO has now issued a LEVEL 6 Pandemic warning! This allows MARTIAL LAW!! We'll see where it all goes from here... FEMA camps? Mandatory vaccinations? Hopefully not.

    WHO | Current WHO phase of pandemic alert

    HR 645 - National Emergency Centers Establishment Act
    GovTrack: H.R. 645: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House


    (a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.

    (b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure--

    (1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;

    (2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;

    (3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and

    (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security."

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