Swabs popularity rising over urine.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Sade, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. So up here in Humboldt county they are starting to do swab tests that check withing the past few hours. It is understood that many people smoke here so it is nice to see a change.

    Let's Smoke About It....
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  2. I would welcome that over a piss test for pre employment.
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  3. Yuppers!
    Something that indicates what you did a couple hours ago at most not what you did after work a couple days ago.
    My companie does hair test for new hires and "random" piss test for the major drug groups including weed. All of which are out of your system in a couple days or less except weed.
  4. I'm assuming a government posotion? Would definitely consider to quit smoking for that kind of paper.
  5. I 100% agree with this change. Our company just recently removed the Random U.A policy. Random piss tests is the worst thing ever. It's like assuming everyone is guilty until proven innocent and even after you piss clean you are still assumed to be guilty because you are eligible for another Random.
    the test shouldn't be if you use drugs but you are "on" drugs while at work.
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  6. Private sector with about 6K employees. They are having problems finding people who are able to pass drug screening. I buy the thc only piss test off amazon to keep myself below the threshold. I only can smoke on weekends and have to take a weekend off occasionally to clean out. My wife works in a surgical suite and no one there has to test. She smokes almost daily at night.
  7. They are using saliva testing in Michigan for driving. Trouble is, imparement doesnt last for 12-24 hours, it lasts for a half hour to 2 hours, though you might be high for 3 or 4. They are just trying to remove drivers licenses from medical marijuana smokers. It's bullshit.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. I'd much rather have a UA because I know how to pass that. Swabs are something that I still can't find a quick fix for, pun intended! lol
  9. You can’t fool a random much anymore. Our place comes and gets you in person and you go escorted directly to in house clinic. Have to empty all pockets before going into commode and if caught adulterating a sample instant termination. If you fail piss test they do a on the spot hair test. Hair tests get sent to a lab. If caught there is a one time only rehab circle jerk and a week off unpaid. Plus gaurenteed tests almost weekly.
  10. I got fired from a job at "the Fresh Market" for failing a saliva test after not smoking for 3 days. Fuck a grocery store that drug tests lol.

    Fuck all drug tests.
  11. what if you refused...?
  12. Drug testing should illegal anyways they are violation of your privacy. I think it should be legal if they found you were unable to perform your labor while intoxicated. Meaning if you are causing harm then you deserve a drug test.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. I haven't had a drug test in like 4 years now, perks of being a kitchen rat I suppose lmao
  14. I told my last boss that I would gladly provide a urine sample but she would have to spit it in the cup.

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