Hey guys! I am doing a research paper on Marijuana (not school related). I was wondering if you guys could fill out a survey I made. There are 9 multiple choice questions, and 2 short answers. If you could help me out and take the survey, I would greatly appreciate it! http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cFpKbDRWNy1XVzJSVXliaUJyVzljU3c6MA.. Thanks! EDIT: Sorry about broken link, fixed now.
Thank you to all those who helped me with my study. Below is the results of the survey. I will be post my final project when I am done. Thanks again for your time! 1. How old are you? 13-17 - 35% 18-21 - 57% 21+ - 8% 2. How old were you the first time you smoked marijuana? Under 12 - 0% 12 - 4% 13 - 14% 14 - 23% 15 - 20% 16 - 21% 17 - 6% 18 - 7% Over 18 - 4% 3. Is Marijuana Recreational or Spiritual for you? Recreational - 46% Spiritual - 2% Both - 52% 4. How often do you smoke marijuana? Daily - 48% Several times each week - 41% Once a week - 7% Several times each month - 3% Once a month - 0% Less than once a month - 1% 5. How long have you smoked marijuana for? Under 1 Year - 17% 1-3 Years - 56% 4-6 Years - 22% 7-9 Years - 1% 10+ years - 4% 6. Have you ever been arrested for marijuana? Yes - 11% No - 89% 7. Do you use marijuana for medical reasons? Yes - 31% No - 69% 8. What is your education level? Some High School - 36% Completed High School - 21% Some College - 35% Completed College - 7% 9. Are you currently employed? Yes - 45% No - 38% I was employed within the last 6 months - 17%