Grasscity - Cyber Week Sale - up to 50% Discount


Discussion in 'General' started by iTokeat420, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. #1 iTokeat420, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009
  2. I got a invalid page request

    Get the right link and ill take it for you :)
  3. The page you requested is invalid.
  4. yeah get the right link and ill take it
  5. Fixed, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  6. Not a Problem Bro, Just got done taking it not a bad one :)
  7. Thanks!

    And thanks to everyone in advance who takes it, it will really help me with my study.
  8. Thank you to all those who helped me with my study. Below is the results of the survey. I will be post my final project when I am done. Thanks again for your time!

    1. How old are you?
    13-17 - 35%
    18-21 - 57%
    21+ - 8%

    2. How old were you the first time you smoked marijuana?
    Under 12 - 0%
    12 - 4%
    13 - 14%
    14 - 23%
    15 - 20%
    16 - 21%
    17 - 6%
    18 - 7%
    Over 18 - 4%

    3. Is Marijuana Recreational or Spiritual for you?

    Recreational - 46%
    Spiritual - 2%
    Both - 52%

    4. How often do you smoke marijuana?

    Daily - 48%
    Several times each week - 41%
    Once a week - 7%
    Several times each month - 3%
    Once a month - 0%
    Less than once a month - 1%

    5. How long have you smoked marijuana for?

    Under 1 Year - 17%
    1-3 Years - 56%
    4-6 Years - 22%
    7-9 Years - 1%
    10+ years - 4%

    6. Have you ever been arrested for marijuana?

    Yes - 11%
    No - 89%

    7. Do you use marijuana for medical reasons?

    Yes - 31%
    No - 69%

    8. What is your education level?

    Some High School - 36%
    Completed High School - 21%
    Some College - 35%
    Completed College - 7%

    9. Are you currently employed?

    Yes - 45%
    No - 38%
    I was employed within the last 6 months - 17%
  9. Sweet thanks for the results :)

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