Devices spy on us to target ads and we know it. Do we stop it? no, hey wiretap gimme a good spaghetti recipe while you're listening! we can't fight it we might as well embrace it. I think we're collectively trying to maintain some level of control by just steering into the skid. it's gonna happen anyway, we're trying to make it so it seems to be happening on our terms at least, at the very least creating the illusion of control for ourselves. I don't know if this is good or bad
I blame materialism! And they can listen all they want. There is only so much money in this house and my "not like other girls" trait is if I can make it....I'm totally gonna! So, whatever it is is probably losing money on me. I've also been working hard on not gossiping or saying things in a mean way, so if anything is listening, my conscience is clear and no one's feelings are hurt. I figure I'll be a better person in the process!
We can still put down our devices and walk away from them. Fuck a smartwatch and Alexa or those other shitty always listening glorified siri spybots. People need to be careful with ring doorbells too. Heard about those calling the cops on some people. In other countries they've already gone full dystopian with chips in hands to pay. NEVER accept that. That is a precursor to social credit scores always. You don't bow to the tyrants they shut off your chip. So obvious and yet the weak morons are always more numerous than our worst fears.
I have paranoia that someone, be it people, government agents, hackers, or some sort of deity, is judging me by what I do when nobody is around. If I watch a show where the protagonists are awful people, I feel a need to voice aloud disapproval of their actions, lest some unseen observer think I condone what I am watching
My paranoia is a bit different. I wouldn't worry about what others are thinking but I'd worry if my heart and mind enjoyed it but my conscience thought it was wrong. My dilemma is more internal!
you are with us or against us, against us is no bother as it up to us to change you and we WILL change you , to be like us ....(once said when I thought I'd won)
That's why I read privacy policies and maintain anonymity in publicly viewable pages on the internet...You could know my name, and you still won't find shit on me on the internet. I do searches every now and then on myself to make sure as well, just to see if anything new pops up...Once you're on the internet, you're on it forever.
It seems like they have purchase tracking now. At the grocery store. Home improvement stores. Clothing stores. Gas stations. Everyone. Tracks. You. Now. in 2030, we will have to consume less and this is one way they are going to enforce those restrictions
That's when I jump in and tell my kids to start raising their own food. I tried to drill that into them at an early age to NOT depend on the supply chain. I think they finally got the hint when covid hit and toilet paper and paper towels disappeared off of shelves. Now everything has skyrocketed. I'm surprised farmers haven't started losing livestock the way the price of meat has gone up.