
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sgtstadanko, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Like you, if theres something i can use to enhance my grow, im all for it. I tried suprethrive probably 12 years ago. I treated 10 seedling with it and left 10 untreated. They were of 2 different strains, 5 of each.

    I measured and observed for the entire season and there was no dicernable differences between the 2 groups of plants. No changes in growth, health or yeild. I would ask my buddy to see his comparison notes on his findings because i couldnt find any differences indoors or out.

    But like you, i had a buddy that just swore by it and promised me that if i would try it again.... Well, i did and found the very same thing as the first use of it. No change in any aspect of the plant could be observed or recorded.

    Then a few years ago i read an article that suggested that superthrive can interfere with hormones produced by the plant and may effect sexual stability in cannabis. Considering that i couldnt find anything positive and after reading that, i chucked any idea of it.

    I have found that the application of certain fungicides during the growth cycle can indeed improve the health and quality of the plants. Actinovate is one such fungicide as is Liquid Copper. Plants clearly are greener and healthier if certain fungicides are used.

    I believe its similar to the tobacco grown around here. Certain funguses get on the plant. They dont kill it and you cant tell by looking that the plants would have any type of fungus but if you fail to treat it with fungicides, yeild will be reduced by 25% or more.

    I think the same occurs with OD cannabis. I think it has funguses living on it that dont kill it or even make it sick, but i think the plant has to defend against them and in the end, they detract from the plants overall health and the fungicide ends that battle, allowing the plants to be healthier. Thats just me.

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