Superficial people

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bkadoctaj, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. So what's the deal? Why are they so fake?

    Just curious to hear some of your opinions. I don't think people were just socialized to be fake. I think they don't even trust themselves. But why?
  2. I don't know, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this issue. It's obvious that some people are more well-rounded and interesting than others, but I have a hard time believing that some people are really as shallow as they may come off. I like to think everyone has some degree of depth, or some interesting story to tell.

    In the words of Desiderata:

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly
    And listen to others
    Even the dull and the ignorant
    They too have their story

    If you've met people who you see as truly superficial, how can you be so sure?

  3. I'm certainly not sure. I'm just talking about people that you've been around enough to have a good idea.
  4. my ex was reidiculously superficial. she would completely change her attitude when she saw different people and would always be fake nice to people just to get popular. it pissed me off so much which led to our break up.

    im not sure why yhese people are like that. maybe its the only thing they can do to feel good about themselves?
  5. my former friends are all superficial. all they care for is money and looking like everyone on tv. it's weird cus they all trust eachother, i used to be part of it all its really depressing to think back on. i think ultimately they're just bored with their lives and try to mold it to what they're told is interesting, except they dont realize theyre fake. i tried telling them...lost all my friends my senior year in high school.
  6. Are they oblivious? Or do they have an on-off switch?
  7. #7 Perpetual Burn, Jan 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2009
    Ego... the majority of people's biggest problem.

    It's probably not a switch... more like a knob.
    ^^^Dow reinforced. ;)
  8. oblivious? they're the rich kids at my school but theyre not "cool" soo i guess they're in their own little bubble.
  9. I think it has everything to do with humility. Superficial people are young in the sense that even if they are old they have never lost anything or been hurt or been judged.

    That is why there are geniuses and very simple folk and everything in between that are not shallow.

    Sometimes I wish when I see things like a girl all made up and dressed in designer wear scoffing and judging at someone who is less fortunate that I could magically make all her privileges dissapear.
  10. Increasing insecurity due to the world telling you you're not good enough.
  11. i see it as a sort of shield protecting them from being vulnerable. usually on the offensive and unwilling to back down, no matter how ludicrous. i used to hang out with a very fake crowd but within that group individual relationships grew and i saw that it's possible to gain someone's trust and have a very different side of them revealed to you. to see someone artificial as plastic break barriers like that is truly inspiring.

  12. You're probably right about that. Maybe there is hope after all. :)
  13. I think that society, and especially Western--and even moreso American society--is extremely superficial, and I believe that this is perpetuated through the media. Just look at any TV show, movie or commercial, and you'll see the superficiality of the culture...Beautiful women, sex thrown all over the place, fancy cars, luxurious stuff everywhere. The so-called "American Dream" is for your child to be "better off" than you, and what does that mean? Usually, that they have more money than you did. People are willing to do anything for money, compromise any kind of morals they may have, throw away love and friendships, anything for a little "piece of the pie." Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone, but you can easily see this idea all over the "popular media" in the US. I don't know about the rest of the world, as I've never been there, but I know American culture is spreading (some could say like a disease does, and though dramatic, it is true) around the world. Eastern countries that have had their own distict culture for thousands of years (in this example, China) are slowly accepting American consumerism and materialism as a way of life.

    Maybe people are attracted to superficiality because of a lack of something that could surpass the feeling of "completeness" and "achievement" that they get when they buy something they've been wanting, or the "acceptance" and "camaraderie" that they feel when they have the same things as their friends.

    Its all the result of this modern culture...
  14. I agree with the above,

    I also think that the reason why the media portrays this is quite nefarious. I think corporations create things like impossible body images to keep consumers self conscious and ready to buy any product that will fill the created hole. I believe that the powers that be want people to focus on external stimulation instead of seeking answers and comfort inside themselves because it keeps people dependent which means those at the top will stay there, and the rest will be forever enslaved.
  15. My favorite question these days is "how much money would it take to make you transgress your morals?" Basically speaking, this seems like a good strategy for those who control the economy... inflate the numbers, and people will be more willing to transgress (be manipulated). I don't like that thought, but there seems to be merit to it.
  16. I think "They" have been buying us off for a long time.
  17. [ame=""]YouTube - dove evolution[/ame]
  18. simple and complex answer... people dont know themselves.... they dont know what they stand for... they dont differentiate themselves from the cultural influence they are surrounded in from birth...

    only those who take the time to discover themselves, can be 'real'.

    with that said... humans as a living species are utterly worthless, just one of a trillion forms of life, and one, that will eventually, like all others before and after us, be wiped off the earth...

    purpose is perception... so many different mindsets and personal philosophies,,, yet one apparent end...
  19. #19 bkadoctaj, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2009
    Do you think weed helps everyone achieve this? Or do you think that it can make some people faker? All I know is that people I've been around have a tricky time bullshitting when high.

    To Perpetual Burn:
    Who are "they" in your mind, now that we're being frank and direct? :) The power of numbers... is math the only way to play the game? I believe art has potential as well (but it can be abused too, e.g. propaganda).
  20. People are constantly turning me off by acting phony. I hate to be so judgmental because I don't think I'm anything special, but I'm just always blown away by how immature and selfish people can be.

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