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Super dank bud but...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by KushMonster420, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. You should re-upload the images to another website, like or, your URLs are broken.

    As for your question, it's possible, but it mainly depends on what you are storing it in.
  2. Open the jar once a day for a week than let it sit unopened for however long. But 130 a half for not ready bud is a rip
  3. pics failed but you should just let it dry out a bit before you seal the jars. Put it in an open paper bag in a dark cool place for a day and check it, or just lay it out on something for a day or so and check it, or just dont close the jar lol
  4. put some aside to smoke for now, preferably the driest of the batch.

    get a mason jar and give the rest a really good cure for a few weeks or months so when you go to smoke it, its even danker.
  5. do what SIR said, if you can't, even leaving it in the jar with the lid off over night is enough to dry it out enough
  6. Open it for 3-5 min twice a day for a feq days then once a day for a week, then 2-3 times a week for 2 weeks, then jus open it once every 5-7 days so air doesn't get stale and make the buds crisp:smoke:

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