sup from Sweden

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by omotiverat, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. i must be the only one from sweden here :p
  2. Welcome to the City. I'm not sure about that; there are a lot of Europeans here.
  3. Welcome to the city man, and no a guy called Bencker is from Sweden on here. So your not alone.
  4. ooh cool :)
    just love this site, told some friends to join, so watch out for the swed's ;D
  5. welcome man
    Sweden is the best :D
  6. you from sweden ? =)
  7. what's up...welcome.. love your models, man
  8. thx m8 :)
  9. Im not Swedish but Sweden is the best :p
  10. so how is the bud in sweden, bro?

    never been there, but i'd love to make it out that way some time.

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