Sup from H-Town.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Baco's Baked, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Sup guys. Name's Baco. I live in the Houston, TX area. Been smoking for about 2 years now but I am in NO way a "professional". Been checking out this site for a little while and thought I'd join the community :D. I smoke almost every day out of my glass spoon. I still manage to have a life and I'm a productive student in high school (senior year baby!). Well, I really hope to get to know ya'll and, such. Anywho, gonna go smoke a bowl!
  2. Bump. I know ya'll are out there!
  3. Hey welcome to the City! I have a couple friends in high school that live in Houston, well Sugarland actually.
  4. ATX right here.
  5. Thanks man! Sugarland isn't that far from where I am.
  6. I assume that's Austin? Not very familiar with street names for cities.
  7. Welcome to GrassCity. :bongin:

    Been to San Antonio , Austin , Dallas, and Corpus Christi areas but never Houston.
  8. I live in a suburb JUST outside of Houston. Literally walk like 3 miles and you're in the city limits. Unfortunately my area is pretty dry so I'm making my oz. of mystery weed last as long as possible.
  9. yea, Austin.
  10. I just saw it under yur avatar. Wow, I feel stupid...
  11. Do you by any chance know anyone with the names of Casey, Cameron, or Andrew?

    I know it's broad and shit but if you do tell me their last name or first letter or their last name, you might know my friends haha.

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