Stupidest way you broke your bong

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ninjaballs, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. Dancing with my eyes closed after taking a huge rip and headbutted it right off the table
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  2. So I've had a history of breaking pipes, so when I got a bong, I thought i'd play it smart and get a silicone bong. That way, it can fll and nothing will break. Well that backfired on me in a way.

    So there's a piece that holds the weed that got lost at a New Years party a few years ago and it disappeared, therefore breaking my bong. By fixing that, I went to a smoke shop and got a glass downstem, which seemed to work pretty well until my mom accidentally dropped my bong and the bottom of that downstem shattered. WAs really pissed, but it still works. If I ever do a wrong move on the bottom of that bong though, I will either cut myself or the bong. Really sucks. haha
  3. Dancing with a girl
    High asf lol

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